Big Red and George


Normally Mondays are very quiet down at Bondi as everyone has a serious face on – as they worry about the busy week ahead.

Grey 1 foot Mondays are REALLY quiet.

You didn’t miss much action down the beach this morning.

In fact, all week it looks very small until a new swell arrives on Friday.

Wednesday and Thursday look like good weather. Work now, beach later.

:: u g e

Old Bondi

Fluff, transition

This guy must of just got out of jail, creepy Fern


Not cranking


Yeah, but where would the board go?

3 thoughts on “Q U I E T

  1. I’m intrigued, what is that top left of “Not cranking”? Blimp, plane? Be it quiet and grey a serve of some colour and action always provides a lift. Thanks Uge.

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