
Since my last post things got a little heavy…borders closed, infected numbers increased, CES queues grew, lots of businesses shut and the general population are now sensibly bunkering down indoors – avoiding The ‘Rona.

It’s getting serious, we all know that, but let’s look at the positives. What better time to spend with the tykes? Home-schooling, well that’s a work in progress, I can’t say we’ve mastered that. Call an old mate – I’ve been in touch with people I haven’t spoken to in years! Learn to cook (work in progress too), learn another language online, gork at Aquabumps images…you’ll fill the time.

Bondi Beach is still closed (land and water). Yeah I know it’s weird for all of us – but I do believe it’s for the better good. We will get through this…I have 21 years of Bondi images that I can distract you with if it goes on for a while. Today’s shots are from recent weeks…not today (working in Iso).

You may not know this but Aquabumps is the work of a small team – we employ 5 full-timers, many casuals and a framing team. We’re a family-owned business and produce all our artwork in Australia – using Australian labour. Love Aquabumps? Show me! We are operating as normal, but if you’re not leaving home, SHOP ONLINE is the best option and choose delivery. We can make any artwork in 2 weeks and ship it to your door. My Faves

Adhering to government advice, The Aquabumps Gallery is open (Daily 10-6pm) and following the social distancing rules if you want to pop in and have one of our staff help you out. Keep the sanny flowing, stay inside and ride this out. We’re all in it together. :: uge


Don't worry, you'll be back out there at Bondi soon


Dolphins having a ball at Tamarama last week


Looking forward to surfing again!


Learner boards


Sunrise at Bondi - good time of year


Social distancing - Icebergs is shut


Pre-social distancing


Walking the plank


Praying for vaccine

One thought on “Withdrawal

  1. Thanks Uge! I guess the fish and the dolphins are enjoying a nice break from the humans for a while. No sun cream, no plastic rubbish left on the beach, no capture by small people in the north corner… it must be some party for them at the moment. How strangely nice it is also to see waves break free, no longer accosted by the competing crowds, breaking as they have for millennia before, with nobody on their backs.

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