No Delta down here. The best place to be

HOME (Again)

Bummer. Here we are again, all at home. But, if it’s any consolation, it’s an ugly day outside anyway. Rain, cold, onshore. All the ingredients for a good day inside. Sydney is in a 14-day lockdown whilst attempting to put out those Delta Rona fires (for my readers outside Australia who don’t know).  In line […]

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What an impressive start to the day!


The light was impressive this morning, what a sky! A nice escape to a kinda gloomy day around Sydney. Chin up! Waves were on tune also, head high, multiple banks…lots of fun to be had. The swell is fading for the rest of the week, so I’d suggest some covidsafe exercise! Go for a paddle. […]

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Rain puddles


Congratulations, you’ve made it past 12 images to the riveting editorial that Aquabumps is famous for – typos, bad grammar and all! My high school English teacher used to read my daily rant – rolling his eyes constantly I bet. Are you still on here Mr. Whitla? I wasn’t the best student, more interested in […]

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Photographic evidence that Darren occasionally goes right. Rare, but he does


The fields are empty and rogue waves are going unridden. A storm is in town and it’s not very inviting down the beach. After a subtle sunrise colour event, it returned to greys, rain and cold. A great day to be productive at work (inside). Wait for it all to calm down a bit…I reckon. […]

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It's all about perspective. Bondi Beach 7am


I live by a simple rule – touch nature at least once a day. Feet in the sand, snooze on the grass or swim at sunrise. It’s all good. Makes you feel unreal all day, setting you up – just right. Now go do it. A brand new swell has arrived, alleluia, and it’s looking […]

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Mad Liv, diving for Crays

Bondi ØɄ₮Break

We’ve woken to BONDI BONDI BONDI all over the news. Bondi outbreak, Bondi cluster, Bondi hotspot. On the tele they’re interviewing people on the beach how they feel about The Rona running rampant around our beloved beach. Hell, even my accountant cancelled his meeting with me in Bondi Beach today! So, from what I can […]

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Golden Curves, earlier this morning

Wild Ochre

A nice and neat little morning down the beach. Clear skies are inviting the solar warmth as Bondi hosts waist-high dribblers. The beach was quiet, real quiet, and relaxing this morning. Superb colours from the sun beams. My fave. The water temp. hovers around the 19-degree mark with perfect clarity. Sound good? Dive in, and […]

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D-az, lefts, Bondi, standard

Elusive 🐋

We had a few whales in the bay this morning. I had my whale repellant cameras out, so I have virtually no photographic proof of the visit. I swear, every time I try and shoot images of whales or dolphins – they disappear into the deep abyss – they know I’m onto ’em. I’ll do better […]

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Subtle hues of this morning before the rain

Polar Blast

Sydney is being blasted by polar air, oh boy it’s cold today (max 11). We’re not used to the claws of winter digging deep, so early. It’s snowing in the highlands. You’ve probably heard that Bondi Beach Primary was on fire last night at 5 pm. Thankfully it was after school hours and no one […]

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Crazy skies, Bondi


Where is everyone? Bondi was a ghost town this morning. It was very tranquil. The Bergs, the line up and the beach was totally empty. It’s waveless too! Interesting skies, no, not the burning reds of yesterday – that sunrise broke the internet…just different. It’s a cold day, 12 now, feels like 9, max 13. […]

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About as intense as the colours can get at Bondi. June 8, 2021 6:45am


Put your sunnies on to look at this post; it’s intense! I even knocked back some of the colours as they melted my camera sensors. It’s was pretty incredible. Worth getting up early for… The colour bloom lasted longer than usual – 20 minutes, enough time for you to sip ya coffee and pull your […]

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The Pilg, slicing the open face


Welcome to a new week and the beginning of winter. It was a cold, clear morning down at Bondi with small, weak limping waist to chest high waves (inconsistent). We’re looking at sunny weather for today and tomorrow, rain from Wednesday. The water is still kinda warm hovering around 19.5 degrees. I’ve finally gone to […]

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Water play, Bondi Beach 6:45am


The shortest day of the year in the southern hemisphere is June 21, a few weeks away. That means the sunrise is late at this time of year. I sit on the beach on these cold mornings, waiting for the sun to peer over Ben Buckler, illuminating my subjects and, most importantly, making it comfortable […]

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Longboarders heaven, Bondi 7am


I’m back in Bondi and into my morning routine – surf check at dawn, shoot a sunrise, capture some surfing and then shoot something weird going on in Bondi! Done, tick! Where has all the swell gone? I’ve been watching from Queensland, and you have had one helluva run down here (Goldie was on the […]

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I bet you didn't know this was 1 hr drive from Snapper


Surf Snapper in the morning, have a rinse off under a waterfall in the Goldie Hinterland afterwards. I bet you didn’t know that just up the hill from The Gold Coast there are mountains full of rainforest delights. I didn’t… It’s so lush up here, around Tamborine. Much cooler weather than the coast. The forest […]

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