Bondi 6am, golden mist


Bondi is a unique place.


It was 5:45am when I rolled down the beach. That’s pretty early for most humans. As I came over the hill I could see thousands of people doing something. Surfing, jogging, bootie campin’, sun baking and even a few leftovers from the pub rolling around in the sand trying to get on Bondi Rescue. “Ah yes…home…” I said to myself. There no place like it. It’s chaos and it’s not even 6am.

The surf forecast was dismal but in reality there are head high sets from a new south swell – BINGO! It’s really wonky and a short period windswell – yet surfable. There were surfers coating every bit of moving water from north to south Bondi.

Today is the last day for you to part with your hard earned dough. I would love it if you could sponsor our Surfaid Cup surf team. We are raising money for our main charity, Surfaid that do all the good work in the impoverished Mentawai Islands. Donate now and we will love you long time. I put it on our Facebook (100,000 followers) and our Insty (60,000) followers and we didn’t even get $1. Tight!


Just sold for the bargain price of 43 million. No it's not Justin Hemmes

Freshly married Brett Anderson

Get out there boys, Bondi

Even Terry thought it was a crazy large morning crowd (seen it all)

Green Lines, Bondi

Feels like summer, Bondi

Was breaking really far out the back this morning

The wonky walls of a new short period south swell

Army of paddlers

Our nemesis, The Bank Wrecker 5000

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