Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I like it. It ain’t pretty, but it’s more than surfable with some meaty pockets on offer. Maybe it’s the fact that sets are well over head high, maybe it’s because there’s barely anyone out there on this overcast, slight onshore morning. Regardless, last nights refreshing cold change brought waves worthy of a hack. Bondi […]

Monday, January 30, 2006
The perfect beach weather continues into a new week (how good was the weekend. How good), but the swell is lacking . You won’t find much breaking over your knee caps at Bondi today. This swell is too waussy and coming from the East, not suiting our south facing Bond-age. East facing beaches should show […]

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The howling winds of yesterday have generated some swell overnight. I would like to get excited about it…but really I could only witness max. head high sloppy Bondi in between rain squalls this morning. Not much grunt in these bad boys and the southerlies ain’t doing it any favors. Tomorrow is predicted to be little […]

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Shocking morning for surfing. In fact not ideal conditions for much at all as the wind ripped through Bondi shreddin’ the surf and flickin’ sand in the eyes. Damn camera nearly blew out of my hands. It’s unsurfable 6 inches at 7am – and yup people are still out there trying to catch a few […]

Monday, January 23, 2006
Hola. Micro east swell dribbling into Bondi – knee to waist high. Very weak and best suited to the beginners. The glorious weekend’s weather continues – for the lucky ones it’s a beach day. Otherwise crank the work out as the tail end of this week has more swell than the start. Max 30 degrees, […]

Friday, January 20, 2006
Well…bit of an anticlimax this morning. Thought it was going to be bigger and cleaner with offshore winds – but there is still an element of junkiness about it (and I’m not torkin about *Ness passed out in the park again) – wonky closeout faces on shallow south end banks. Now that I’ve lowered your […]

Thursday, January 19, 2006
Last night you could hear the swell picking up overnight as you sleep – always a comforting sound. Have to say, I expected more size this morning. Onshore SE winds butchering quality early as b-o-n-d-a-g-e breaks around chest to head high. Yeah it’s surfable. Yeah. But it’s not going to be the best session of […]

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Greetings. The Bad News – Kinda ugly morning with thick overcast skies and nuisance onshore winds destroying the quality small waves of yesterday. Boondye had a few waist to shoulder high waves rockin’ in, mostly messy but still surfable for the frothas. No light this morning – hence the slow shutter flys and black + […]

Monday, January 16, 2006
Hola ni os. Your daily fix is back. Happy New Year and I hope your break was well surfed/well feed/well relaxed. Time to crank up the detox. What a great start to this year with a decent south swell feeding into good old Boondye. Plenty of waves, barely anyone out, gentle offshore breezes, around head […]