Golden silk moments


A perfect Bondi morning with 1-2 footers and ultra-clean conditions. After a very windy weekend, we’ve now got a trickle of new south swell. It should get bigger as the day progresses. Head high by nightfall. Light winds all day. Get outside. :: uge

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The famous Tamarama overhang


You probably already know this, but Tamarama, just over the hill from Bondi used to be an amusement park based on Coney Island (1906 it opened). A rollercoaster ran from one side of the bay to the other. Mad huh. Interest in the park waned and swimmers protested so it closed in 19011. Ok ‘Nuf […]

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A lot of people read Aquabumps from overseas. I’d guess about a third of my 50,000 daily readers are abroad. Probably a lot of expat Aussies missing home. I know if I was sitting in a cubicle in London, looking at these pics would trigger a unconscious twitch. Hey…I once sat in a cubicle…for 10 […]

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