Just for something different I stumbled over The Bridge to the beach side haven of Manly. It’s good on these tiny ENE swell which are neglected by Bondi. Still…it was only 1-2 foot over there. I imagine Bondi was 6 inches. Sensational Friday morning with perfectly warm water and an abundance of sunshine. The very […]

My Apology
Ahem…just clearing my throat. I think I owe you a huge apology. The wide spread chaos and panic stimulated by yesterday’s Aquabumps incorrect editorial has finally calmed down. The street riots have dissipated. The burning cars have been extinguished. I’ve learned my lesson. MOTHERS DAY IS MAY 8. MOTHERS DAY IS MAY 8. MOTHERS DAY […]

Well, well well…what a pleasant morning. No wind, ENE swell and perfectly sunny. Can’t complain about that combo. Do you know Mother’s Day is coming? sccrreech. (that’s that sound of a record needle scratching, again, real loud and annoying). Yes. Sunday the 8th. Well, here is a blokes guide to stress free Mother’s day shopping: […]

Dawn Dip
You could feel the chill in the air this morning. It’s coming…colder times. The water remains warm though. Small swell from the SE 2-3 footers. Low tide this morning so the banks were protruding and closing out most waves at Bondi. Few little runners – I’d guess it would be better on the higher tides. […]

Hey. Hows ya morning? How many coffees you had? Did you get down the beach before the smotherly struck? All 20 knots of it? Hope so. She’s on the blower now…but it was a pleasant morning before that. Tiny waves. That’s cool. This wind should kick up a 4 footers tomorrow. Please Huey. Please. Even […]

Bondi Dash
Yet another special morning down on the coast. Feels like summer. Loads of people enjoying the conditions. Bondi was packed, early. Small, tiny waves suitable for plenty of fiberglass/beginners. Enjoy your day :: uge

Nice little setup this morning. Barely any wind, clean surfaces, 1-2 footers from the ESE and plenty of sunshine. The water was pretty special. Warm and clear. No substantial swells on the horizon. This time of year we normally get some beef. C’mon Huey. Pray for swell. :: uge

Kinda a standard Bondi morning that went a lil’ like this: 6:30am, good sunrise, low hanging clouds being lit up. 2-3 footers on a fatish high tide, nice OK waves. Bit wonky and lacking decent banks. But hey…surfable. Icebergs and beach relatively quiet. Cooler times promotes a good sleep in. Water is warm, still. Aren’t […]

Mondays are a favourite. The weekend’s crowds have dispersed, the beach is quiet. Monday’s are even better with waves (4-5 foot)! So many options today with a East swell. Empty line ups everywhere. Head to your local beach and there will be something for ya. :: uge

Today we’re back to sunshine, clean surfaces and offshore winds (NW). A nice way to finish a week. Tiny waves dribbled in. A good day for the longboard or pitch a brolly and fall asleep on the beach. Have a great weekend #UGE

It was a shifty start to the morning. Looked out the shutters – clear skies, then seconds later – rain. Odd. Neighbors got the hose out on my roof again? Where’d that come from? It just got better from there. Sun came out to reveal neat 3 footers. A lot of close outs. Nice left […]

Y’know…it’s quite a responsibility to entertain you every morning, all 50k of you…with something fresh from the beach, daily. OK, almost daily. Well, it’s been 17 years now. Can you believe that? Today I rolled down the beach. Onshore. 3 foot. Thick storm cloud about to dump. 3 surfers in the middle. Not many on […]

Bluest blue
There is something really special about today. The water, it’s just so blue. Our oceans change colour with different currents. Sometimes it’s super green. Right now…she’s all blue. I spent more time under than above this morning. Just how I like it. All quiet down there. Adios :: uge

HI. Hello. Bom Dia. A very modest morning down at Bondi Beach. Grey skies dominated over clean 1-2 footers. Large Friday crowds scrounged for anything throwing up some lip. It’s not pumping but still warm in. There has been a lot of Kelly Slater sightings around Bondi. Maybe he’s heard about our fantastic waves? Maybe […]

Blue green
Yesterday was quite the handsome day. Today, not so pretty. Yesterday afternoon, on low tide, the colours popped. Today, the smotherly has taken over and made it into a junkyard. Waves = yeah/na. Ok nah. It’s onshore grovel at 1-2 foot. Howling onshore. Jac+Jack is a fancy Aussie label that have just opened up the […]

The Beach People
Today is tailored perfectly for your beach lazing needs. It just is… The water is a ridiculous 24 degrees. The mercury topping 31. It’s Wednesday, you’ve put in two good solid dayz at work. You deserve some beach time. Go on. It all can wait… Don’t panic – FMS (Fruit Man Sam) is now delivering […]

Sunny Life
The swell has dropped out whilst the water temp. soars. It’s like a bath. Perfect conditions for your morning swim. The mercury will also chug up to 27 today and 31 tomorrow – toot toot! Enjoy your summer flash back. On 29th May in Sydney and Melbourne the ‘WALK of HOPE‘ is going down. It’s […]

In between rain squalls – I snuck out to shoot some surfing. It’s wobbly and 3 foot from a South swell. Looks OK fun. How about that rain last night huh? 92mm of precipitation overnight, mostly in a 2 hour window. Bucketing. Quite a rainy / stormy week ahead – all but Wednesday which looks […]

Well…today’s another cracker. The swell is still here. Good times people. Good times. Great news. Next week should be similar…3 foot and decent winds – so no need to rush down. You’re probably watching Bell’s anyway. The SurfAid Cup is coming to Bondi! Yes! The fund raising surf comp is natively a Northern Beaches thing, […]