Icebergs Installation
What the heck? Icebergs, Italia, helicopters? What’s going on I hear you say. Yes, it’s true. We installed an enormous mack-daddy print of all prints in the Icebergs pool yesterday. It was 49 metres long by 13 metres wide. It took 3 utes to cart out to Bondi, 5 hours to install the 24 strips…all […]

Ciao amici! What a cracker of a day outside. It’s bringing out the best in Sydney. NE winds early with head high waves. Nothing to complain about there. Especially seeing the mercury is going to creep up to 31 degrees. What a perfect day to launch something special at Icebergs. Yes friends, we’re up to […]

We’re having a good run of weather and ocean conditions in Sydney. The mornings are worthy of an early shakedown. Loving the offshores. Waves are small, 1-2 foot but still surfable and fun. Loads of people out early, a helmet wouldn’t be such a bad idea – loose surfboards in every direction. WOW. Max 27 […]

G’day. Nice morning. Really nice morning. One of those mornings that every says “Nice morning!”. The light was golden and raw as there was a taste of Autumn in the air. It was by far the coolest morning in a long time – I wore a jumper. There’s a neat little left at Bondi, peeling […]

70 x rip rescues (yes, 70!) 1 x random bashing with a spikey steel pole (who had $7,000 cash on him at the beach) – read 1 x spinal injury 1 x heart attack 1 x mermaid lost at sea…who’s now found. 100 x tattooed skaters (including Tony Hawk and Steve Caballero) here for the Bowl-a-rama […]

Bondi Goodness
This morning, a whole lotta goodness going on down the beach. Sensational morning with warm water, air, and little wind. The only ingredient missing is yesterdays swell. It’s still surfable, grovellable, but definitely #notpumping. Don’t take these days for granted. We’re lucky to be able to wake up to such an awesome place. :: uge

Like Monday’s glory day, the winds kicked back to the beautifully grooming South-West. I reckon that’s the best wind for around here. It’s not only good for surfing conditions but also creates the best blues in the ocean. The swell is not a patch on Super-Monday, but it’s still pretty damn fun. Bondi looked ordinary but […]

It’s been so volatile lately. You just don’t know what is gonna happen next. Today is very different to yesterday. It’s raining, it’s junkie and onshore. I sat on the sands of Bondi Beach for about 45 minutes and barely shot anyone riding a wave that wasn’t closing out. Nothing like the epic peaks of […]

Ah heck. At sunrise, Bondi was looking mighty fine in the wave department. I am talking proper…proper. When I saw the winds kicking offshore overnight (SW), and all that new (SE) swell, I knew it was going to be on for the early. I have no idea why I booked a 7:30 am meeting! Nuts! […]

Ah yes, these mornings are to be celebrated. They are special. They make you feel unreal. The water is balmy, the waves are rideable and Bondi has a pile of energy about it. It’s pumping! And this weekend looks HOT HOT HOT so we’re in for a huge one. I swam for around 1.5 hours […]

We’ve got a fresh pulse of SE swell and it’s delightful! By the look of the huge morning crowds, you’re pretty excited also. Such a treat to have head high waves today. Even if they’re a little junkie… The swell will taper off from here – but – what – there is a new booming […]

Mellow Yellow
After last night’s storms lashed Sydney with heavy rain we’ve woken up to a junkie, quiet Bondi Beach. It’s onshore, mushy, random but who cares! There are waves that are breaking above head high. We haven’t had swell is ages so it was a pleasant sight. Love a bit of chunk to the bump. As […]

Today is not a beach day. Full stop. New line. It’s better suited to the indoor activities. As I write this, rain is pelting our gallery tin roof – I can’t even hear my phone ring (Kinda like it). Imagine how good this is for your garden huh? I have a confession, I slept in. […]

2 Percent
Well, wasn’t that a busy beach weekend with hot weather, small waves and little wind. Such steamy days…best enjoyed hugging the coastline. Bondi was rammed yesterday. Tamarama and Bronte same same. People visit Bondi and must think it’s always like that – absolute chaos. The amazing thing is those busy days are about 2 percent of […]

Some days it all comes together, some days it just doesn’t… It’s been a terrible week of swell and today is no different. Today we have 1-2 footers of the weak/sloppy variety. The crowds were huge and to top it off the Blue Bottles were raiding. FOMO levels were low as I sat on the shore […]

Good morning! Wasn’t it a humid one? It’s typical of this time of year, warm starts with cloudy skies. Makes for a good morning swim. Waves – yeah, there were a few. It is still on the small side, 1 to 2 foot. I have good news, though, I reckon we will get a small […]

Drizzle Dizzle
Relief is here…it’s much cooler today. Yesterday’s south change has brought rain, greydom and onshore winds. It’s a very different kinda day. There are waves that are surfable, it’s only 1-2 foot and messy so the excitement levels are low. Needless to say, people are out there. Have you got friends that would like this […]