Daz, torpedo down the line


The swell spiked up strong this morning from the east, just in time for Halloween. I was surprised to see the odd four-footer out there; nonetheless, it was offshore earlier & fun! Bondi had a few peaks running. The recent big swell pounding didn’t ruin our banks – good. Early strong SW wind will swing […]

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The sun is back, the surf is fun and it's good times


This week is kicking off in glorious spring fashion – waves, gentle winds and sunny skies. So good! I spent the morning swimming with my camera at South Bondi. It was great exercise, swimming against the ridiculously strong rip, but was tough to sync up with crew to shoot. My method: simply jag a shot […]

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I found some light and blues at Bondi. 8:30am


In between rain storms, I took some photos. No, not of waves and beach – as that’s having a bad day …some pics around the ‘hood. Even though Bondi has changed so much since I started my photographic odyssey 24 years ago, some cool retro buildings remain in 2026. It’s not surfable at Bondi. Head […]

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Indonesian water clarity


The beach was a write-off. Unruly surf with breezy onshores (25knots) making a giant mushbowl. I don’t expect clean conditions until Sunday. Cloudy, infrequent showers and very cool temps – put the jumper back on and let’s revisit INDONESIA, where the water is still warm, clear and blue. :: uge

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Bondi's most famous door. North Bondi


The smothering southerly has arrived early, and wreaked havoc on our beaches. It was dead still upon my arrival at the beach, but it rapidly changed around 7 a.m. – mushie onshore junkyard! Cloudy earlier, sunny now (25). 12 knots of SE wind.The water felt warmer, like a degree warmer. Big surf forecast for tomorrow, […]

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Swim time, 7am.


An extensive south weather system is coming this week (Thursday/Friday), bringing wind, swell and a few showers. Enjoy these days of light northerlies and blaring sunshine until it arrives. Bondi had a little wave today, waist to shoulder high. The charts say it’s a south swell, so Bondi will be making the most of the […]

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Bondi - rammed!


Sydney was graced with a special kinda weekend, small (yet fun) waves and exquisite weather. Today is no exception; it’s another cracker. Yesterday, the beaches of Sydney were packed, and to double that, Sculptures drew its usual crowds. Bondi was a hive of activity. Wow. Monday 6am, all back to normal, quiet days. I saw […]

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Still good supply of swell, just a bit junkie today

Glory Dayz

Today’s not yesterday. Yesterday was kinda pumping. Today’s still got waves, but it’s got junk on it and I only rate surfing 3/10 – but it’s 10/10 for a morning swim. Reviewing all the beaches from my bike, I barely saw anyone ride a decent wave. Perhaps it’s the 6:00 a.m. low tide making it […]

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OCÉANE JACOB's great white


The swell has kinked around to the east and is coming in hot. Many breaks today would be hosting goodness (Sydney works well in this swell direction with plenty of options). I would like to see more water on it so the ratio of closeouts is healthier. (low tide was around 5:15am) West winds now, […]

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Sculptures is back! Wang Shugang's (I think) work.

Groms and Sculptures

I don’t recall a time in my decades of shooting Bondi that so many youngsters are going hard, day in and day out. Not just saying that as a couple of them are mine. A few years ago, I’d struggle to find anyone surfing Bondi that wasn’t on a 100-litre softie going dead straight on […]

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Sums up today. Bondi 7am


We’ve had a good run of weather and waves recently. We were due for a storm, and today’s the day. 25-30 knot gusts of southerly keep temps down and waves crappy. No one surfing; it’s big and rogue – and needs settling down. I’ve added some recent Indo shots to spice up the unphotogenic Bondi […]

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Jacob Sheehan, winning the morning heat on his forehand

Bondi Contrasts

Its mind boggling how different Bondi can be day to day. When you say ‘Bondi’ to people, they think of millions of people on the beach – like the postcards. Over the weekend, Bondi filled up with the glorious weather. People everywhere. Queues everywhere. I’m not torkin’ 50,000 on the sand, maybe 7-10,000? Monday 7 […]

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Mini tubes, rifling, Bondi


After a night of thunderstorms, we’ve arrived at another glorious (cooler) spring day. The winds are still up WSW 10-15 knots, and there’s a new south swell in town (mixed in with some east swell from yesterday). I saw quite a few decent waves in the shoulder-to-head high vicinity. I even witnessed some lil’ tubeys […]

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Light dance, 6:45am


There’s a cool south change arriving tonight after a roasting 32-degree banger. It’s a beautiful down here, in Bondi, right now. This glorious morning had everyone up early for sunrise, enjoying the fruits of warmer weather. We’ve even got a new south swell that feels like a long period set, chugging in Bondi with overhead […]

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A nice morning - a doozie!


It’s warming up into a comfortable spring Bondi day. The sunshine is ubiquitous, and the winds are gentle. Waves are breaking at Bondi, facing the swell southern source – drawing the most out of it. You may even find the odd head-high one. The NE wind will freshen, a signature of a warm day. (maximum […]

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This man surfs more than 10. Darren, again scores the cover


Today, we’ve got a dead south swell with onshore SE winds. It didn’t look appealing this morning at sunrise. Only a few frothers out, optimistically hunting a clean face on the head-high sets. I rarely saw anyone catch anything worth photographing. If you’ve ever been curious about Kelee Meditation and want to understand more about […]

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Only Darren would find a tube, on a day like this


I’m back in Bondi. It was weird being on the beach without a herd of water buffalo trampling past or no horses riding into the sunset. Nobody was carrying machetes, only mobile phones! ‘Twas a beautiful Bondi morning. The sunshine is on max, whilst the head-high waves looked a little straight. A gentle NW wind […]

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Sublime, air terjun.


Sempurna = perfection Like Sydney, we’ve been struck with a large swell in Indonesia – a late-season spike. Rather than watch my kids try to paddle out in 8-10 foot slabs, we opted for a peaceful mountain day at a spectacular waterfall. It’s like going back in time in Sumba, where the people live in […]

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Sublime untouched beaches, Indonesia

Raw Paradise

I’ve been to some pretty idyllic places, but our current location ranks highly, Sumba. It’s a raw, semi-primitive island in Indonesia with plenty of waves, dreamy white sandy beaches and unique local culture.  It’s the dry season here, so we’re scoring endless 36-degree clear skies and sublime water temps. There have been waves daily, especially for […]

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