Magic carpet rides with Darren

Back Burn

There’s smoke in the air, reminiscent of the bushfires two years ago. Hazard reduction burns must be happening west of Bondi – hopefully making our summer safe as they forecast a dry one. This weekend is going to be 28 & 30! Yes, hot. There are waves! (head high) But they’re not breaking great. Frustratingly, […]

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Morning light on the Bergs

Last Summer

Last Summer was a pretty strange one, but not as strange as the current Autumn and most likely this Winter! Strange seems to have become the norm. I think ‘unprecedented’ is the most frequently used word for 2020.  These pics are from last summer. Just a refresher, to take your mind off COVID19 and other […]

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The Big Smoke, Bondi 6:30am

The Big Smoke

I’m back in the Big Smoke after a whirlwind shoot-out in Margs. It really is the big SMOKE today, as bushfires pollute our great city. Such a sad reminder of what is going on in NSW. Waves – yes! There’s a small, 2 foot, clean left breaking at South. Big morning swim crowd up early […]

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A new UFO landing at South Bondi

Dutch Oven

It is the second day of summer and one of the coolest days in a while! Crazy. The smoke is back. You would’ve smelt it in the middle of the night and probably closed the windows. Really weird light and colours this morning as the atmosphere was filled with smoke. I didn’t quite know what […]

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Inland dust has blown to the coast, creating the haze. Bondi 6am

Dust Haze

This morning Sydney was engulfed by dusty haze. Yesterday’s strong winds kicked up the dust inland of Sydney, then a weather trough dragged the dust east to the coast, just in time for our sunrise. It’s a little different to our recent smoke screens, and you may get a few respiratory problems! Waves – what […]

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Sadly New South Wales is being ravaged by 100 wild bush fires. Say a little prayer for those families who’ve lost homes. The skies were filled with smoke last night and asthmatics will find it hard to breathe. Last night was very unique down at Bondi with all this smoke, some of the strangest light […]

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