Thursday, October 14, 2004
Bondi 7am – flat as…truly FughedabouditOur flat spell continues as you’d be lucky to find anything over 4 inches (ripples). Still found one optimist guy out at Bondi staring at the horizon…praying to Hui. I’ve had enuf and have packed the bags (insert dummy spit – kiddin)…I’m heading to indo today on a 110ft boat […]

Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Booondhi – 6am zilch, zip, nada, flat…Any flatter and I think we would be heading into the negative values. It’s a pancake. Probably the flattest I’ve ever seen it and Yep.. still a crowd of 12 or so out surfing the micro shorey. That’s the good thing about running a website from Bondi – there […]

Monday, October 11, 2004
Bondi 6:12am – super clean, waist high, occasional good setHola! Cracker morning with perfect sunshine and glassy conditions – loads of people out for the early. Pity the swell decreased overnight leaving us with waist high (occasionally bigger on sets if you’re patient). Great waves on the weekend, hope ya got a few. Got a […]

Friday, October 08, 2004
Bondi 6am – micro onshoreOops…did someone predict waves today? Am I a can short of six pack?(you’ll probably all say yes to both). I forgot to mention yesterday that the wind swell will develop later in the day – not this morning. Currently it is micro and side/onshore – verging on unsurfable at Bondi. Great […]

Thursday, October 07, 2004
Bondi 6:00am – small, waist highSmall dribbly bits rock’n into Bondage dis morning. It’s a little on the small side (waist high). It’s crowded with the early risers enjoying the morning sunshine. Nothing much to get excited about. If you’re keen, take the fish or mal out for a spin. Loads of crew dropping in […]

Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Bondi 7am – waist to shoulder high, bit messyErm…not too flash dis morning. Swell has dropped and it was quite weak and messy. Loads of people still keen for a muck around at Bondi. The odd decent left was coming through (Hui rewards a patient man today). It will probably get a little worse with […]

Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Bondi 7am – over head high sets, looking the goods.Offshore and head high. Looking great this morning. South East swell still pumping into Sydney on this sensationally sunny day. Good banks, large early morning crowds…plenty of waves. All good. Wind: W/NW 10/15 knots. Local afternoon NE seabreezes 10/15 knots inshore. High tide 12:31 Low tide […]

Friday, October 01, 2004
Bondi 8am – Small, Onshore and mushy Big storm drowning Sydney at the moment. Heavy rain and gale force winds. Could barely get a shot of Bondi without getting the camera wet (sorry only 1 pic today!). Wind: E/SE 13/18 knots freshening to 25/33 knots by late morning. Winds create waves. Strong winds can make […]