Bondi breakthrough. 6:30am,

Last day of Summer

It’s the last day of summer (boo!), and we’re finishing it in stereotypical fashion – NE winds, 35 degrees and a tiny swell. It was a super warm morning with a MASSIVE sunrise crowd. So many people from overseas enjoying the morning vibes. Morning low tides created a little exposed sandbar, good for swimmers and […]

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Underwater exploration, Bondi 6:40am

Dark Water

Under dark and gloomy skies, clean waves broke in the waist-to-chest vicinity. It’s a south swell, so it’s biggest at Bondi but also the most crowded. Big numbers littered the entire beach at sunrise as most waves closed out straight. More tide would be helpful. High tide: 11:11 amLow tide: 5:28 pmMax Temp. Land: 28 […]

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Love the lines of the South Curl Curl Rock Pool

Northern Beaches

Sydney’s city beaches are divided by the deepest harbour in the world. As the crow flies, there’s nothing in it – it’s all relatively close and a short ferry ride to either side. By car, wow, on a busy, sunny day, it’s an hour, schlepping bumper to bumper to cross the bridge. It’s a different […]

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Hello Bondi! Sunrise this morning.

Good morning

It was a sensational morning in Sydney, with pink bits scattered across our dawn skies. The water was warm as two footers broke straight. Under the surface, the clarity was decent – recently, the northerlies have brought an unwelcome green-brown murk. Winds are currently very gentle and from the west. The southerly will arrive any […]

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The stage is set, big weekend coming up in Bondi


Bondi is gearing up for a party this weekend as 15,000 people hit the beach for the annual Pride party. This morning was a good prelude as the beach was absolutely packed at 6 am. I overheard a British tourist say, “What on earth is going on geezer? I mean, it’s 6am; why is everyone […]

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Striking a section, Bondi 6:30am

murky waters*

The rips were on turbo, and the water was a worrying green-brown. Post-rain swims are always a bit dodge. It took me a few goes to get back to the beach, wearing flippers – ramp 2 rip is lethal. Today is brilliantly warm and humid, and it is my Ma’s birthday! Waves were tidy this […]

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Freddy Carmody, one of the best surfers on Bondi Beach

Sublime in da brine

It was freakishly warm and comfortable in the brine this morning. Usually, I’m hesitant to swim after so much rain, but today, it was just too damn seductive! It must have been 24 degrees at sunrise. I swam happily in the rips, mouth closed, for an hour—the rip between ramp 2 & 3 was HECTIC. […]

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Just for a moment, there was sunshine


The volatile wet weather continues today; it’s pouring as I tap this out. Around 7:10 am there was a brief moment of sunshine, illuminating our bay – I got busy for 30 minutes capturing these images. The surf is small but doable. Waves breaking around waist to shoulder high, uncrowded. Winds are currently SSE with […]

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Rock pool discovery, Tamarama yesterday

Beach Contrasts

The northerlies blow, sun and crowds ram into the beaches (e.g. yesterday). The southerlies rock up, and it’s a ghost town (e.g. today). How good was yesterday; wow, Bondi and the surrounding bays were packed. Today, it’s cooler and threatening rain but deserted. No waves. A big weekend is coming up for the LGBTIQ community […]

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Bondi melons

Pulling a Swifty

On a grey, not-so-pretty morning we’ve got 2-3 footers at Bondi, breaking hollow on shallow banks. I reckon pull a swiftie, put the out-of-office on & paddle out for a couple. It’s Friday, and you deserve it. Go’on. Winds are ENE now, but it felt like a westerly earlier (weird). Showers today, a bit more […]

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Giant closeouts from the weekend


The beach is completely deserted as the south change takes over. It’s raining, grey and definitely not a beach day. I did see rideable head-high waves, but it wasn’t enticing enough for most. I didn’t shoot it – due to mundane subject matter! Here are some images from the last 7 days around the neighbourhood. […]

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North swells and waves around the corner.

Change imminent

It’s a transition day, and we’re in the calm doldrums at midday. 0-1 knots of Westerly, which will kick to the south change, due any minute now; you can feel it coming. The skies are interesting; it’s either baking sunny or Singapore clouded; regardless, it’s beautiful in the brine. The swell is very North, which […]

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Nice clean, busy Bondi sunrise around 6:15am


It’s one helluva beautiful day outside in Sydney. The sun rose, unhindered by horizon cloud, and blanketed Bondi all morning. Vast numbers of people were up early, enjoying sunrise – it was crazy. Today’s ENE swell is small and mainly missing Bondi. Spike reckons it was 1-2 feet, which is practically overhead high for the […]

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Pearl Jam Lane - look who's coming to Bondi!

Pearl Jam Lane

Eddie Vedder surfs! And maybe he’ll dominate our rip bowls soon… Mention Pearl Jam to some of our young readers, and you’ll get – huh? – with eyes rolling back to tiktok immediately. Mention the Jam to someone from my generation, and they’ll reminisce about their youth! Today, you can walk down memory lane as […]

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Alex Knost was in Bondi this morning, checking our surf

Knost x Bondeye

Alex Knost @knostthankyou is a unique, loose, colourful Californian free surfer touring our East Coast. This morning, he popped up in Bondi parading some alternative surf vehicles with Patty from⁠⁠I tried to drag Alex out the back; Bondi’s finest closeouts weren’t enough. He’s here celebrating his art exhibition opening at @chinaheights tomorrow night. Alex […]

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Yeah - BRA.

Road Trip

We were up early in the dark, stalking rideable waves. We ended up at Maroubra, just south of us. It was a quiet morning down there. The nemesis SSE 15-knot gale is getting in everywhere, so quality is low; waves are overhead high though. These breezes are leftovers of that tropical cyclone – I’ll be […]

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Summer emeralds.


It was raining pretty hard this morning in Sydney around sunrise. I didn’t shoot. It’s onshore and dark (and cooler) – remnants of tropical cyclone Kirrily. It’s a nice break from the recent hot weather. It’s been humid and hot at night lately – hard to sleep init? The southerlies are howling as I write […]

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34 degrees yesterday and Sydney hit the beach. Bronte around midday


Yesterday was a busy beach day around Sydney, soaking up mid-thirties and leftovers from Saturday’s giant swell. It was huge, wasn’t it? See my IG stories for some waves at Ben Buckler. Today, the swell has dropped a couple of gears, and we have chest-high, lumpy surf. This morning, it looks tricky at Bondi, fat […]

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Big crowds, big closeouts

1 Big Closeout

This morning, the 8 am low tide was very unkind to surfers (and even swimmers). At Ramp 2, the lack of water created one helluva rip; do not swim there! There were clean shoulder-to-head high waves, but it was one massive closeout. You’d barely get to your feet before being clobbered. I saw many get […]

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Hit the beach, the clouds have parted and it's a beach day


This morning was quite dull, grey and uneventful down at Bondi. Ok-ok…I was watching Pipeline’s first WSL heats instead of shooting. (they’re now off for the day). At lunchtime, I knew the clouds would part – giving way to a glamourous Bondi Beach day. It’s a cracker now; go swim. There’s a little waist-to-chest-high wave […]

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