Large pod in Bronte/Tamarama all morning putting on a show

Dolphin Show

The talk of the morning around Bronte and Tamarama was a very large pod of Dolphins frolicking in the morning light. They were having a great time pleasing the morning walkers. Waves are bigger, messy and not ideal. Bondi looked junkie, and with cross-onshore forecast, I’d pass. Bronte has some lefts back into the corner, […]

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Bronte, the hub!


We’re all freaking out cause it’s gonna rain for a few days – some say 100mm tomorrow (so stoked as there’s no roof on most of my house currently under reno). Those dreamy after-work scorchers spent dunking in the ocean are over – for now. The beach and waves looked dire this morning—onshore, dark grey, […]

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Bronte. This is how today begun

il Bronte

Bronte, that little cove bay around the corner where plenty amass before work. It’s always good when the southerly is howling, having a big protecting cliff face on the south side. Bogey Hole, the rock pool next to the ocean pool, is one of Sydney’s busiest little water patches. It’s always a good angle on […]

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Good backdrop with Autumn light, this morning

Nooks and Crannies

Sydney’s coastline is like a broken eggshell, with nooks and crannies everywhere, facing all directions. The good thing about this is that it can be 1ft at one beach and 3ft at another facing more east on the same day! Today I shot a bit at Bronte, a 270-metre-long beach just over the hill from […]

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Wow, some wild red light last night on sunset and a MASSIVE crowd


La Nina is over. Yep, over. Let’s party. Wow, now that the weather has been unlocked, hasn’t it rebounded in a big way? Hot-hot-hot. Mid-to-high thirties for most of yesterday – and it remained thirty degrees overnight.  The beaches have been rammed with humans seeking a reprieve from the heat. At sunrise this morning, there […]

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Swell is up, some rogue chunks out there

Pool Party

South swell is up, and there’s sets that are double-head high. Unfortunately, it’s flanked by a solid southerly around 15 knots. Protected southerly corners are the GO! I see sunshine dominating the forecast for days and days now, how good is that? Sunday is going to be particularly warm with 27 degrees. The large swell […]

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Bronte, sizeable waves clipping the corner


After a week of school holidays (where I rarely picked up a camera) I’m baaack! The daily fix should flow from here… A nice morning to kick off this working week (well, there are still plenty of school holidays). A sprinkle of colour at sunrise, light winds and a consistently breaking 3-foot ESE swell. All […]

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Tamarama golds - haven't shot here in aaaaages


Gee that swell certainly disappeared – quick smart. It was 3-4 foot yesterday, and this morning it’s barely breaking. That’s OK, as it was a warmer, spring-like vibe at sunrise today. Sun was out, the winds were calm…and the ocean was inviting. Go for a dip. Did you see Aquabumps spreads in the latest edition […]

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Bronte Board Meeting at sunrise today

6’s to 9’s

I’m loving today. Those dull, grey, rainy mornings (6’s) are now exquisite sunny, calm, clean sessions (9’s). The whole week looks decent. The central bank at Bondi had a wave this morning, but it’s fat, so you’ll need a high litreage in your surf vehicles. A big bunch of frothers feasting happily on the 2-foot […]

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South Bondi - where I've spent a lot of time


After a long week of storms, I think today its slowing down. You might even see blue sky later today – let’s hope it dries out our flood-affected areas. Tomorrow looks sunny! I can’t remember a week, in my 23 years of service, where I didn’t pick up a camera due to extremely bad weather. […]

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Cold offshores and chunky waves, Bronte


It’s still big, just not as big. We’ve got a well positioned low hanging off our coastline, feeding Sydney with heaps of goodies. Ah winter swells, gotta love ’em. The 21-knot-bitterly-cold offshores will make you feel alive this morning. The water remains warm and double head high waves are frequently found. The crowds are minimal […]

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Frames, Bronte


Overnight the swell has spiked into some really chunky chunks. Most beaches are overloaded and a tad out of control – or just plain old closing out. Thankfully the sun was out and the skies were clear. The claws of winter are here and it’s frosty – even if you’re rugged up in the best […]

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Star dust, Bronte Reef


Grab the puffer before heading outside – it’s cold. Polar winds are chilling Sydney. We have a new swell in town, which seems to be growing – shame the banks at Bondi are straight and useless to us. Maybe a punchy swell will bite holes in the sand, creating better banks? Perhaps? We live in […]

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