Memorable Dozen
It’s all gone whacky, again. The Northern Beaches Rona Outbreak has set us all into a bit of a spin. Chrissy plans cancelled, flights canned, borders shut. Stay positive! (and stay home if ya can).We’ll get through this, again. Today’s ‘Bumps consists of 12 photographs, shot this year that I’m proud of. I hope they […]

The Steamroom
It’s been a steamy 24 hours in Sydney. Very muggy, and sticky. Today we woke to a thick layer of fog, blanketing most beaches. The water is fresh, and as I type this it’s just started to rain. If you didn’t get down the beach for a swim earlier, your window has now shut. Rain […]

Get Wet
Finally a morning without rain. Well, kinda. Sorta. It was weird, I was shooting a glorious sunrise, but it was still spitting. As I type out this riveting editorial, I can see sunshine dance through the skylight of AB-HQ. Party time! It’s been a good week of NE swell and many have filled their wave […]

Gorillas in the mist
It was a drizzly, grey kinda beach morning. Not pretty – that didn’t stop a lot of crew heading down there. The holiday season is in the air. Finally, some new banks at Bondi and a large pack were enjoying lefts in the middle with this ENE swell. I’m glad that swell didn’t get as […]

Storm Boy
You have probably seen on the news, up north is copping a lashing from an intense storm. It’s now drifting down to Sydney giving us a wintery day of constant rain, light onshores and a chunky swell. It is not huge like it was initially anticipated. Bondi is head high and clean (but fat), Maroubra, […]

The Aqua-Merc
My muse, the ocean, was having an “off” day with small dribbly junkie surf and rain. The early high tide wasn’t doing it any favours – pushing it right up onto the shore. It’s going to be a week of rainy days, all coming from the North. Mercedes Benz loaned us a new electric EQC SUV. […]

Rough diamonds
Some say this is Bondi’s greatest hits – horrendously onshore, 2-3 foot and vacant. What’s the attraction? Well, you saw 250 surfers in my images yesterday – it’s chaotic (and dangerous), just look at my forehead to remind you. Today – no one – an empty paddock to roam, very appealing! The onshore will be […]

Well, that was one heck of a sunrise this morning. I’m glad I sprung outta bed at the wee hours to capture it. The colours were so intense…and then a moment later – grey. I hope you caught a glimpse of the colour bloom. There are waves today, it’s surfable – is it good? YEAH […]

Swell Boost
Yesterday’s strong southerly has kicked up some wave action, it’s short-lived, but at sunrise I found waves in the head high range. I would expect it to be much smaller tonight. NNE winds were creating clean conditions, but the surf looked a tad junkie, random and well – very Bondi. A reminder, next week looks […]

Cool Breeze
After a cooking Monday things have cooled down with a refreshing early breeze. Comfortable now, isn’t it? This morning the surf was terrible, unsurfable. It should get bigger this arvo but flanking onshores will screw things up. I think you would have higher priorities. Seeing breakdancing has become an official Olympic sport, sharpen up your […]

On the weekend someone accidentally super glued my right eye shut. No bull. My right is my viewfinder eye – that you all see-through, as well, with my photographs. After a ruthless Bondi drop-in, the violator flicked their board up, splitting open my forehead. No big deal, 2nd injury from reckless surfing for 2020, pretty […]

Oh boy, Bondi was busy this morning. If you were out there surfing I’m guessing someone has run over you or finned your board – there was no room to move. I reckon 200-250 frothers were out, hunting waves along our 900-metre shoreline. Tight! Were the waves good or sumpin’? What’didyamiss? To be honest, not […]

Today’s kind of run of the mill, stock standard, bit bland type of day. Not too many unique features to elaborate on here… At 5:30 am it tried to glow pink, but didn’t really – clouds smothered it by 6 am. The waves are limping around the waist to (a small persons) chest high. It […]

Last nights south storm was violent and abrupt. It hit hard and buggered off quick – like a flash in the pan. I wish I got some photos of that shelf cloud – but sadly, was too late for it. There’s still south onshore winds this morning, making surfing a low priority – unless you’re […]

Deranged Shorey
Welcome to Summer! It’s a very summery day outside too as we creep up to 26 salubrious degrees. The morning cloud has gone and blue skies prevail. The waves were a bit funky this morning with higher tides. There was shoreys, they’re not for the faint-hearted though, extremely shallow and hard to get down. I’ve […]