Zygi Mann mad about the laid back today

Onshore Flow

The onshore pattern continues today and will hang around for days to come. Earlier, the winds were light so that you could find the odd clean face; now it’s 11 knots onshore and probably a tad junkie. Waves broke around head high, few rip bowls littered up on the beach. Quiet morning at Bondi, the […]

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The doors to the ark


The ark doors have flung open, and we now walk out into the sunshine, a little dazed and confused. What’s this? Clear skies? Nooooooway. For how long? Looking at the charts, it could turn any minute now, so enjoy a coffee outside. The southeast winds are howling 20-25 knots, and Bondi is a 4-6 foot bay of […]

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Hip hip hooray, the sun came out this morning. Bondi 7am

Suns Out

Wasn’t that a relief, a morning of glorious sunshine after all the constant downpours in Sydney? The forecast is calling for another week or more of rain, so I really hope you got out, as it’s now raining again. Surprisingly, the waves were good, head high and clean. The junior Dutch surf team was out […]

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Paddleboarders dominated the south end today, 7am

Hello Bondi

I’m back in the hood and enjoying the glorious sunshine. Lap it up my friends, as starting tomorrow, the weather will decline into showers, and from Friday onwards, it will be super wet! A pink hue surrounded Ben Buckler’s pre-rise as unsurfable 1-2 footers shut down—straight as a ruler. Several people tried to negotiate the […]

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Swell is big today, thundering out the back. Bondi 7am

Abrupt Chills

And just like that, the switch has been flicked; we’ve got chilly mornings with large southerly winter swells. Bring out the jumpers from storage. Bondi was relatively empty compared to a few weeks ago. Two surfers were out, but there were not many people on the sand. The waves are 6 feet solid, maybe bigger, […]

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Luke Adam, blasting

South Chump Change

As I write this, a south change is moving from stage right. It’s bringing wind and waves – lots of wind. Tonight expect SSW 30 knots plus. The wave energy will ramp, and tomorrow, you’ll see conditions similar to last Saturday’s 8-footers. It will be very messy with all that wind, but interesting nonetheless. Have […]

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Bronte, the hub!


We’re all freaking out cause it’s gonna rain for a few days – some say 100mm tomorrow (so stoked as there’s no roof on most of my house currently under reno). Those dreamy after-work scorchers spent dunking in the ocean are over – for now. The beach and waves looked dire this morning—onshore, dark grey, […]

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Wanna surf? Lots of waiting around like this


It’s rare for Bondi to be this flat. There’s always something. This morning the ocean was motionless, still, level…like a lake. It is good for a swim, but not so good for a surf. Tomorrow, there will be more wave energy, but the weekend will host the biggest waves of the week. Friday will be […]

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Tuesday sunrise, warm water, pinks. Bondi 6:55am


The Easter break is over, and the Bondi sunrise colours resume. It’s a beautiful warm morning in Sydney as we head to a top of 29 degrees. There is a high chance of rain today, with tiny surf. It will be tiny all week until a big kahuna swell arrives over the weekend. Bells are […]

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Double pools of Bondi's most famous swimming club

Recent Work

I’ve been waiting for a lame, grey, onshore day to show you a few pics from my recent adventures. In contrast to today’s bland flavour, recently, we’ve been blessed with epic ocean colours and endless beach weather. I didn’t shoot anything today, which is rare for me. It’s a great day to be inside and […]

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Shredders heading north, Bondi

Late Riser

At 7:03 a.m., the sun is rising on Bondi. It’s late. Big crowds were early, though, awaiting a glimpse of how today would begin. It was onshore, and the tide was too low when I shot this morning. I rated it very poorly as it appeared opportunityless for surfers. Go for a swim, hula, medi or […]

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Light building wrap, Bondi

Autumn Light

Autumn light is a photographer’s delight! There’s something special about this time of year when the sun tucks around the back of Ben Buckler, the morning humid haze has gone, leaving crispy, clean, warm sun rays to illuminate my favourite subject—Bondi! There are waves, head high on sets, gentle NW winds and a clear sky […]

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It was dark for so long, then it ignited. Bondi 7am


As we shift deeper into autumn, most of the morning was covered in darkness. I waited around for sufficient light, looking forward to the time change. In the middle, Onewave celebrated its 11th Birthday – congrats, Grant and crew, for spreading the good vibes down at Bondi on Friday for so long! There are plenty […]

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