the bird flies north
It’s quite disturbing sitting on a patch of grass at South Bondi, watching 3-4 foot sets close out straight along the whole beach. What a waste. All this swell and nothing doin’…If only we had a reef or a decent bank that could hold waves over 2 foot. The long period ground swell has arrived […]

Small little wave chuggin’ in the corner at Bondi this morning (1 small foot, maybe 2). Looked inconsistent, uncrowded and weak. Interesting day though, the wave period pushes up to 17 seconds later today – but wave heights remain small. Might see a small spike in swell later, but I’d assume long waits between waves. […]

La Plage
Grey start to the day, which seems to be lifting – slowly. Small little 2 footer down the hill at Bondeye. It’s clean and crowded. At this stage it’s only a weak lil’ swell, coming from the south and accompanied by NW/NE winds. It’s surfable and good for a play…but nothing serious. (hint: ride a […]

Struggling to get a decent shot from the car this morning amongst the drizzle. You know the surf is bad where there are 2 shots of Justin’s dog making it onto Aquabumps. 2-3 foot onshore sloppage. 5 guys out at Bondi (yep, Will and Bruce were out there frothin’)…not really getting much. Stay in bed. […]

It’s pretty feral outside. 30 knots of onshore southerly is ripping through, bringing rain and chaos. Forget the beach today in Sydney…it’s shambles. Good day to be inside and pumping out the work, or better still, great day to be back in Fiji. Here are some images from our recent Fijian sojourn. Keep dry :: […]

Fridee rambles
Not really spinnin’ my wheels out there this morning. 0.5ft – 1 footers and crowded. Recipe for disaster. Wear a stack hat. Glorious weather though, 28 degrees today and summery NE winds all day – well, before a late South change which will ruin this pretty picture providing rain all weekend. Yep. Rain all weekend. […]

Bondi is a funny place. Regardless of surf conditions, get a few clouds above and you’ll have a deserted peak, crank the sunshine and 500 guys are paddling for the same wave. There are waves this morning – mostly between 1.8 foot and 2.3 foot…it’s messy due to last night’s onshore blow…but it’s orrrkay….especially when […]

The inconsistent 3 footers of yesterday have dropped a few gears whilst the crowds are back up. Small 1-2 footers in the corner, still fun, when you get one – but that ain’t easy, especially getting one on your own. It’s dropping fast and the afternoon nor-easterly will kick in soon – 20 knots. High […]

Those swell charts were right. Spike in swell as the wave period hits a whoppin’ 18 seconds – pity its only @ 2-3 foot. A solo bank in the south end put one some fun waves – albeit inconsistent due to such a long period. Crowds were large and hungry this morning. Keep your wits […]

Yet another magical morning, warm, sunny and a small 2 footer trickling into the corner at Bondi. Plenty out, hopeful of a sneaky left. Winds are optimal NW as we head to a land maximum of 24 degrees. Waves are a lil’ weak, but fun. If you’re not sitting in your cubicle pretending to work […]

A mini-stealth swell has been sneakin’ under the radar all week. Today is no exception with 1-2 footers in the corner…bit weak…but surfable (and crowded). The water is gold…warmer than norm and clear. Go swim. Offshore all day…max 21 degrees. Summery morning with thousands of morning exercisers and the odd passed out dude…ah yes, Bondi […]

Cumulus Maximus
Hola! Quite an impressive morning – hope you got down there. It all began with a decent sunrise for the insomniacs….and then the clouds morphed into buckled patterns (good lens fodder)… then small 2 footers chugged into the corner…oh, and the water temps bumped up a tad making the boardie session an option. Go outside […]

If you rolled down the hill at the wrong time today you’d swear it’s 1 foot or near flat. If you sat out there long enough a set will roll through every 15-20 minutes worth riding. Yep, that south swell is still hanging in there by a thread – but you’d have to be very […]

Corner traffic
Sorry about the lack of updates lately – it’s me not you. Today the swell has managed to wrangle a 2-3 foot wave in the southern corner of Bondi. It looked great, when they came through, but it was very inconsistent…and crowded. It’s 2:50pm and the NW winds are hooooowling 25-30 knots. So paddling into […]

Some big waves rolling around the joint. Especially on dark last night. It’s pulled back to a manageable 6 foot, but still very agitated. The winds have also dropped a gear from gale force to 20-30 knots of southerly. Not ideal conditions for that casual paddle, but if you’re keen to test your fitness, head […]

Crazy windy and wild out there this morning. Getting up to 40 knots of S/SW winds today – that’s enough wind to take your Sulo Bin down the street spewing its contents into your neighbours yard. Swell has jacked up to the 8 foot range. Exposed beaches like Bondi had clean up bombs breaking across […]

The early risers will score the best of it today. Fun little peaks down at Bondi as the sun broke through the morning clouds. I’d say it’s mainly 2 foot with 3 foot boomers. Crowds are mid range, but there was some fun out there…for now…before a howling 30 knot southerly rips this town to […]

the now
At sunrise the waves weren’t very impressive. Bondi loves these small south swells, especially under 3 foot so they don’t close out, but it was very average early. However around 9am conditions improved and 2 distrinct peaks were puttin’ on some fun ones. You’d have to be quick though, as these offshore W/SW winds will […]

Feral onshore slush out there this morning. You really should think about doing something other than surfing today – ‘cause it’s about as bad as it gets. Let’s check out some photos from our recent trip to the Mentawais (where the earthquake off Sumatra hit). Tomorrow the swell will come up, unfortunately flanked by an […]

33 degrees today so I declare a public holiday. Hit the beach. It’s an amazing day out there. The waves are tiny. 1-2 foot max. Nice little left and a mediocre right in the southern corner – but it’s got the summer’s crowds buzzing all over it. Small again tomorrow but decent swell all long […]