The mornings are getting warmer and the crowds growing as we slide in summer. Bondi is nuts in summer. Just watch the TV show! To my surprise, we have half decent waves in Bondi this morning. Its a junkie confused ocean, a lil’ onshore, with swell coming in from all directions, but there’s a head high […]

Sunshine – yes – soak it up. Waves too, much smaller than yesterday. 2-3 foot, clean. Yesterday I was surfing with a just a couple others. This morning at sunrise – gridlock. WOW. Packed. A ding repairers heaven. Have you checked out the slabby new surf lake in Queensland? Looks fun. :: uge

Under a blanket of thick morning cloud, we have waves! Hooray! I’m calling it 3-4 footers. Winds are currently offshore and surfaces are clean. I’d surf it before the winds swing light onshore later today. A higher tide seems to make it hold up better also. This week we have some great weather coming – […]

Where’s Bob?
Another action-packed Friday morning down at Bondi Beach, Australia. Nah…no motorcades, no royal couples this Friday. The prince of the shaping bay was meant to come down, 74-year old Bob McTavish, but I think he must have got stuck in traffic or couldn’t find a park. So it was just me, the Fluro gang, Lifeguards, a […]

The Slow Shutter
Good to see some fruit in the bowls at Bondi this morning. Pumping? Sadly not. Surfable – correct. After a few days of slim pickings, we have surfable 1-3 footers. Clean at high tide this morning, but the onshore has always begun its disturbance. Do you know I’ve got 14 years of Aquabumps daily archives […]

It’s windy as hell and blowing in from the South. The swell hasn’t really kicked so there is only a small 1-2 foot shore break at high tide. Patches of sunshine but a much, much cooler day than glamourous yesterday. Possibly more swell as the day progresses. :: uge

Ray Bake
Today is the best day of this week. The weather is outstanding. I’m excited. It’s going to hit 26 degrees, and the sun is out to dry out Sydney. Yes! I didn’t see any waves over 1 foot this morning, so grab the mal, a brolly, a wettie (water is cold) and spend the arvo down the beach. […]

No Royal couples, no wind (yet), not really any waves…but yes, we have sunshine! Ah yes, Bondi’s back to its usual spring pattern. The 7:30am high tide was killing it for surfers. Waves limped into the south facing Bondi whilst it was waaaay too full for Tama. Lower tides will be more promising. If you’re coming to […]

The Royals get Shacked!
Breaking News: Prince Harry and Meghan visit Bondi Beach this morning to surf our world famous closeouts! Harry was a little disappointed it wasn’t pumping out there, he said it was a tad small for him and he prefers hollow reef breaks and warmer water. Looks like Harry forgot his wetsuit anyway. The glamorous couple […]

Softies, Coolites, Foamies, Softtops, Beaters, Esky lids… Bondi is the global mecca of these incredibly buoyant surf vehicles. Everywhere I look these days I see Softies in the surf at Bondi. It’s a revolution! There are more soft boards than hard boards these days. Not saying it’s bad or nuttin’ – just an observation. My kids […]

These Nor-East conditions continue in Sydney. It’s pretty blowy but find some protected nooks, and you’ll have a little wave to surf. My pick – North Bondi looked good but exposed Nor-East beaches will be a coupla feet bigger. I wasn’t joking about Prince Harry coming to Bondi on Friday for a surf with the […]

Sun Worship
G’day. Ah…finally a morning with some raw sunlight to shoot – bonus! Sensational warm morning – and everyone was up early to welcome it. Waves – we’ve got some. Tamarama and Bronte looked pretty wild while Bondi had some OKish fat 3ft runners in the southern corner. It’s not pumping, but worthy of a paddle. […]

The Prodigal Son
Hey Y’all, it’s me! I know, I know…I keep disappearing all over the place, but now I’m back in Bondi and on the tools, shooting the breeze and hunting clean swells. No more interrupted transmission, promise. Bondi was a delightful 3-4 foot this morning, clean with surprise westerly offshore wind. It’s Monday and the first day […]

Euro Nostalgia
It’s raining in Sydney; it hasn’t stopped all morning. The crusted salt on my car is finally washing away as hopefully, our farmers are jumping for joy with drought reprieve. The beach was pretty ugly this morning. Grey, dark, 2 foot. Nestle into that office chair, it’s going to rain for 48 hours – get […]

The Bird
I tried hard to cover all angles this morning, from air, land and other beaches. Tomorrow I’ll attempt the trifecta with water shots in the mix. There is some left over south swell still in town; it’s only 1-2 foot at the moment. Bondi was closing out with an 8 am low tide. I’d call Bondi […]

There’s a fantastic (tiny) rip bowl at Bondaka, but hell, that rip has something on it. The entire beach is draining between two tight banks, spewing out to sea. I had to shoot in waist-high water to anchor me to the bank. Otherwise, I would be doing the Sydney to Hobart. Be mindful it’s only […]