If you’re sitting indoors, chained to the desk…may I suggest a short trip down the beach? Why? Well…it’s quite simply a perfect day. Sunny, warm and little lefts. It’s one of those awesome Sydney days where people can’t stop saying “How good is the weather honky?”. So… it’s Friday, what are you waiting for? OK, […]

There’s some left over south swell, limping into the bay. Waves broke inconsistently at 1-2 foot. It’s super weak and you’ll need plenty of foam under foot. I just had a squizz at the swell forecast – not looking that great. Really small conditions for dayz and dayz. Nice day today. This weekend is going […]

There’s waves today. Come get ’em before they fade away into this week. The sand banks around Bondi aren’t too flash but there is the odd 4 footer worth catching. The swell origin is dead south. Bondi loves that direction. Clean conditions with offshore winds – bonus. I don’t really have much else to write […]

Well well well…the swell really kicked, didn’t it? Right now there are some bomb sets…like the 6-8 foot variety. It’ solid and long interval. When they arrive at Bondi they are closing out straight…and that’ll get worse on a lower tide. Drive baby, drive! You need a reef that can hold size. What a day, […]

Back to salt
Hey, I am back in Bondi. Not much happening down there this morning. The waves were a dismal 1-2 foot underneath some grey skies. Best suited to beginners. It looks like it’s going to be tiny until a solid south swell arrives next Tuesday. This weekend I don’t think your boards will touch water. The […]

Sadly, I’m leaving New Zealand’s ski fields today and heading home. The sunrise today really turned on for me – perfect timing for a freezing heli ride above Queenstown. This place is one of the most photogenic destinations on the globe. If you want to take great photos, just come here and point your camera […]

Today is one of those picture perfect ski days in New Zealand. There’s little wind, not a cloud in the sky and you can strip down to skiing in just a long sleeve tee. Yes, work on your base tan whilst shreddin’. Cardrona ski field, just outside Wanaka, is the real alpine playground today. I […]

Treble Cone
If you know your snow, you’ll know Treble Cone. I’m not sure what’s more spectacular…the snow or the scenery. It’s all off the charts. I shot 1,000 frames this morning. TC’s is a rare beauty hosting New Zealand’s largest and most vertical ski fields. Longest runs in the country. We scored a ‘bluebird’ today…perfectly clear […]

Call me one dimensional…but I don’t go inland much. In fact I barely go past Bondi Junction. But…at a whiff of snow dumping in Queenstown I’ll stray from my coastal haven to find some solitude in the mountains. I reckon this place is one of the best looking destinations on the globe – full stop. You […]

I wasn’t really into school as a kid. I spent most of my days drawing in sketchbooks, hiding in the school darkroom under the stairs, daydreaming out the windows…and generally being a naughty little punk. Most of the time I would sketch waves…empty ones…dreaming of sliding down ’em. My school books were coated in penned […]

Storm coming..batten down the hatches! At 7am this morning a dark mutha cloud parked over Bondi…threatening rain. It’s gonna be a stormy few days . Tomorrow morning will wear the brunt of the new front. At 2:30pm tomorrow it will hit 40 knots – that’s howling! Yes, all this wind will bring a monster swell. […]

I am back in Bondi and went for a swim in our warm ocean. So much warmer in than out. 6 degrees when dashing across Bondi’s icy sand. Felt like zero. It was a very good looking morning with small 2 footers and sunshine. If you can…go outside for a bit…as there is a late […]

From the road…
Sorry about the really late update. Been on the road for 6 hours then sitting on the back of a jet-ski for another 6…so I have a fair excuse. With this fresh new south swell I was keen to find some chunky stuff – found it! Some sets may have touched 8 foot, mainly 4-6 […]

Change is happening believe it or not. Ah huh…right now…the rain and dark skies are parting whilst the south swell machine has finally clicked out of neutral. Come back to the beach in a few hours and you will see glorious sunshine and 2-3 footers feeding in from a nice ground swell. Booya! Tomorrow looks […]

It’s about to get all polar on us. This weekend our sunny days will be replaced with a windy cold front dropping the mercury to an annual low. They reckon the coldest day of the year will be in Sydney on Sunday. Get ya uggies on. At 7am this morning Bondi didn’t have a cloud […]

Golden Mist
Great time of year…good colours The air is crisp and clean. When the sun is low to the horizon the warm tones seem accentuated. Especially when shooting against a dark background, like a big cliff. Bronte had a few wobbly things this morning…nothing special…Bondi had low tide waves…nothing special. Enjoy today’s sunshine, as from here […]

Quite unpredictable down the beach this morning. The show started with rain, rain and more rain. I sat in my car…fiddled with my phone…maybe even dosed off in the car park (a lot quieter than my home without little people screaming in my ear at 5am). It was so dark even my high ISO cameras […]

Our fantastic run of winter sunshine has finally come to an end. She’s about to rain. The south swell has been consistently breaking all week. Today you’d find 3-4 footers at Bondi (But they are mainly closing out). Maroubra had a few pockets…not enough to get most out of bed. Fruitman Sam delivers fruit and […]

That pre-sunrise offshore wind has a bite to it – duzzzinit? Another cold morning dropping to 6 degrees. The air is super clean and super crisp. Colours seem to pop in this winter air. I like that. We have a long period dead south swell in town. South facing beaches would be attracting 3-4 footers…inconsistently. […]

I’m built for the tropics. Maybe it’s my part Asian heritage. Yeah I’ll say it…I’m such a pussy in the cold. Definitely no Chris Burkard here (yes, I’ve seen his Ted talk). This morning I was huddled up on a wet rock at 6 something…the frosty westerlies blowing. The sun was slow rising and not […]

It was hard to get out of bed this morning…very cold (4 degrees in wind chill). If you ventured beyond your doona covers you were rewarded though. It all begun with a colour mash sunrise around 6:45 – 7am. Amazing, wasn’t it? Then as the light came on you could see clean, decent, 3 footers […]

Not a lot happening down the beach. Was raining a fair bit around sunrise…the skies clogged up with thick grey clouds and an abundance of dolphins and whales circling Bondi. The waves were junky 2 footers. Today we are launching our new Havaianas x Aquabumps thong for 2015. Our 2013 thong was a 2nd best […]