Turbo Bay
Oh man we’re having such a good run of Autumn swell. It just keeps on providing. Today we have 3-5 footers from the SE with perfectly grooming, offshore west winds. To make things even better it’s going to be 25 degrees and sunny. Write this down. Autumn is a good time to have a week […]

Today’s post is all about surfing. There’s really good waves on offer for those not stuck in an office. At 8am the swell kicked and the sun finally came out of hiding. Ah yes, Autumn dayz are here kids. Offshore. 3/4 foot. What more do you want? :: uge

Look out the window. You see it? Sunshine! Yeah, right now it’s here and the thick storm clouds have pushed on. Enjoy it. It’s not gonna last as more cloud will return this arvo. BUT, tomorrow, well that’s a new day. 27 degrees, fine and sunny – BOOM! Hit the beach. I’m packing the family […]

Damp Shoes
Well…ahem…it’s pretty damn wet in Sydney today. It hasn’t stopped raining. I went down the beach and checked it for you. Even though it was a 4 foot south swell with offshores, the ocean was still wild from the recent agitation. Didn’t see a single surfer from North Bondi to Bronte. So what am I […]

1 Wave
There was a lot going on down at Bondi Beach this morning. More than normal. One Wave, an organisation for all the surfers, sufferers and survivors, raising awareness for mental health, held their 3rd Birthday celebrations. Good work guys! The surf was, erm, kinda pumping this morning. I was a little surprised how good it […]

After 28 days of mighty fine sunshine in Sydney we’ve entered a storm phase. That’s cool. It’s cool. My garden is loving it. Gives me an opportunity to organise the terabytes and dig for gold that you’ve haven’t seen yet. Today – Brazil vs Italy. 2 places I recently visited for the first time and […]

I’ve been waiting for a grim, rainy Bondi morning to show you more of last week’s Rio trip. Today’s nailed it! Rio was a great experience. I really enjoyed shooting there. The light, landscape, water and people were amazing to work with. One thing I enjoyed the most was the lack of photographers there. In […]

Colour me up
Ever since I returned from Rio we are having an extraordinary run of colour down the beaches. It’s been pretty amazing. The late sun rising is also making it a lot more compatible with people’s wake time. We’re all witnessing it. It’s good. Come down. Yesterday’s sunrise was a rock star. Red fangs dwarfed our […]

Damn dark morning down there. Quite different to the other mornings of this week. Makes for grainy shots. There is 3 feet of south swell. That’s good for Bondi but it wasn’t breaking very well. Friday’s are the busiest day of the week. Even in the dark. I love this shot from my Rio trip. […]

Weird mix of hot and cold made for foggy conditions this morning down at Bondi Beach. Some nice colours at sunrise. The water felt frosty! Small waves, best for large surf craft. Quite a lot of people down there this morning. Later :: uge

Jet lag
Hey. I’m back in Bondi and the weather is amazing. You can travel all over the world looking for the ideal beach city, but hey…Sydney is a damn fine place to live! We have waves from a surprise swell. 2-3 footers and from the ESE. It looks fun, yet a lot of waves totally closing […]

Little Zee
Oi! I’m outta here. I like Rio. Muito Bom! Like all my trips, here’s a few tips if you want hit Rio: Dangerous? So you’ve watched the movie ‘City of God’ and think that if you go to Rio kids like ‘Little Zee’ are mowing down tourists with Ak47s? (how good is that movie by […]

10 things I bet you didn’t know about Rio de Janeiro: David Beckham bought a house right in the the middle of Vidigal Favela for $500,000USD. Best views in town. We knocked on his door – not home. There are 60 pet stores around Leblon, Ipanema and Copa. They like dogs. That is like having 60 […]

Oi! Tudo bem? Rio. After yesterday’s post I got a flood of messages saying how it’s one of their favourite places on the globe. It’s pretty special. The culture, weather and views are amazing. It reminds me a bit of Bali…kinda like a city beach like Bondi…but has qualities of Hawaii. 6.5 million people live […]

I’ve had Rio de Janeiro on my bucket list for many moons. I’ve just heard so many amazing things about the place. Being a lover of all things beach the thought of going to a major city which is surrounded by stunning beaches just seemed all too perfect. Needless to say…I had very high expectations. […]

Hola banditos. I’m on the move again. I took a short flight across the ditch to connect with a long haul flight to South America. It’s actually not that far from Sydney. 12 hours from Auckland and I’ve popped up in the cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires (thanks to Air New Zealand). Si! It’s kind a like […]