Monday, April 30, 2007
clover fields. Sydney scored a great weekend of surf. Your local beachie would have had some tasty 3-4 to sip on. Yesterday afternoon she picked up to around 5 foot unexpectedly. Like that. Overnight the current SE swell dropped a couple of gears into the 2 foot range with 3 foot infrequent sets. it’s now […]

Friday, April 27, 2007
Chilled goods.What…go away for 2 weeks and winter kicks into top gear upon return? Ouch. Have 4 layers of clothing on today. What good waves to return to though. Bondi had fun waves around 4-5 foot this morning with a chilly offshore Sou-Westerly. Pitty the banks are crummy. Be surprised if you got two hacks […]

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Beautiful waves.It’s pretty hard to get sick of looking at perfect empty waves. Up here in Mentawai they’re everywhere. Every night the wind backs off to nothing creating silky smooth cylinders. A Photographer’s dreamland. This is the last report from Tengirri’s fly bridge. Many thanks to Telstra for supplying internet connections via Satellite for this […]

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Loco.Day 9 on a boat with 7 guys and things start turning a little loco. 1 guy onboard has formed Tourette’s and is now our crowd clearer – just screaming abuse at anyone for no reason. Another can’t stop hurting himself (Harvey). He’s a walking accident up here – he’s already been patched up a […]

Monday, April 23, 2007
Rights.The Mentawai Islands isn’t well known for its right handers – aaaii that’s for sure. Well, excluding the infamous Rifles which works once in a blue moon and HT’s which is one of the main tourist attractions up here (mega crowded)… with the current small swell we stumbled across this tasty little deserted right that […]

Friday, April 20, 2007
Paradise Island.All day we’ve been anchored along side a tiny palm riddled island in Mentawai – about the size of 2 footy fields. On one side of the island a world class left. On the other a ridiculously shallow toobing right. In the middle of the island is a perfect white sand beach with crystal […]

Thursday, April 19, 2007
blue series.Doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen. Not going off up here in Mentawai. Spent the morning shooting waves from the bottom before a storm hit bringing rain & wind – but not swell – yet. Word on the boats is that the next swell is due tomorrow anyway so it’s not a […]

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
boat transmission. Written by John Blake some punter onboard:Having clicked the ruby slippers last night, "team Tengirri" awoke to a purple grey canopy of clouds mirrored in a smooth 4 foot Macca’s line-up and one other boat. It’s a weird feeling rocking up to a world famous break where no-one’s a local. Taking any wave […]

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
45 breaks. 100 miles.Selamat Pagi. In the morning a 6 foot left. In the afternoon a 6 foot right. No complaints there. Na not Bondi kids – up here in Mentawai Islands. They say there are 45 world class breaks within a 100 mile stretch along the archipelago (not to mention the goods in Telos […]

Monday, April 16, 2007
142 miles south of the equator.Aahh good ole Mentawai Islands. Even though the distance from the Sumatran mainland is not great – 90 miles south to be precise…this island paradise archipelago is another world from hustle and bustle of the 242 million other people in Indonesia. This area is remote…barely see a sole. Nothing but […]

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Joy.Picture perfect morning flooded with sunshine and gentle chilly offshores. Maximum of 25 degrees today after a chilly overnight of 16. The 3 footers of yesterday have dropped back to 1 – 2 foot, the main problem is that it’s just closing out straight. No joy there. Swim the warm water I say. This pretty […]

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
LusciousYeah that’ll be right… 4 days of Easter holidays and we got 4 days of rain and onshores. Come 1st day back at work and the sunshine is cranking, not to mention luscious 22 degree water and gentle winds. Swell is still hanging in there…just…like 2 – 3 foot. The 1st pic today makes it […]

Thursday, April 05, 2007
slip diff.Huey has stepped down a gear or two – but there’s still some good waves around this morning. Winds are a perfect light NW offshore, sun is out and you’ll score 3 foot sets down at Bondi. Swell direction is predominantly SE (tad more east in it). Loads of places would have a surfable […]

Wednesday, April 04, 2007
late show 1:30pm Before you all give me heaps for running a late report today – you’d be glad to know that the surf has improved from this morning. The thunderous rain has parted and sunshine prevails…oh and its over head high on sets and some fun stuff on offer. Still a little unsettled from […]

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
tsunamiThankfully nothing came of the inbound Tsunami hype. Quite the opposite really – its pancakes! 12 guys out, optimistically staring at the horizon thinking one will come…just one crumb – c’mon huey…and when it does, it’s a knee biter breaking extremely weak and lil’ full. Tomorrow doesn’t look any better…rain is coming as well as […]

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Smokin.For years now I’ve been intending to come over to Western Australia to check out the 6 Star Margaret River Classic (which is now called the Drug Aware Pro). Today was the day with 8 foot solid predicted (it’s been flat for two days!). Got myself over here packing the big lens…but the first place […]