Tuesday, 22 January 2008

big is not always best
The howling southerly winds have subsided this morning, making for surfable conditions early down at Bondi. Swell dramatically increased yesterday afternoon…so now it’s up around 4-6 foot range. So it’s big, quite solid…but it ain’t pretty.

Bondi was very random, bumpy, peaky and not really holding up that great. The ocean still shows signs of recent agitation – so let it settle. Forecast is for 15 knots of southerly later today, so that’s not going to help. The charts show NE winds on Thursday (good)…so until then it could be pretty junky. Massive high tide this morning as well…8:52am at 1.94m. Low tide 3:40pm at 0.18m. Warm water 22, land only scraping 22 as well.

The answer to yesterdays question – which beach is this? Its TALLOWS, Bryon Bay. Its was a pumping July day (weekday), 2 guys out hacking it to pieces. Shot it from the lighthouse with a massive lens. Got over 400 emails with answers from all over the place. Guys, if you think this shot is Bronte/Bondi you’ve gotta stay off the crack. That’s a left in the shot… the first 5 people that emailed in have won – we will be contacting you via email.

Have a great day, uge

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