Local lifeguard Azza Graham on the tear

Morning Antics

Well hasn’t Huey switched on this morning. Much better than forecasted.

We’ve got clean 3-4 walls rolling through Bondi, little wind and blaring sunshine (thought it was meant to rain – eh?).

Gotta love Mondays when everyone is busy at work…Swell is dead south (that’ll be 180 degrees) and winds are westerlies. It’s going to be like this for a few days yet.

Bye, gotta find my leggie :: uge

Jono, sliding on a blurry number

Fun lefts

Corner hits

The left bank

Jono waiting for a reform tube

Pama Davies blowing the tail end out

7 thoughts on “Morning Antics

  1. How about doing an addition of aquabumps notifying people on surf etiquette? Its getting ridiculous out there. People surfing a couple of years snaking, dropping in, bailing their boards. Someone is going to get really hurt with a board in the head from a drop in or a spearing.

    1. There is pretty much only one bank in the east at the moment.
      That means you’ll get huge crowds out there. It’s not even really breaking up the beach, so the crowds are concentrated in 1 spot.
      With such a crowd, you’ll always have chaos. I can write something, and have done many times in the past, but it doesn’t do much.

      I saw a guy from overseas out there at lunch time. He was on a foamie heavily stuck in the rip going to New Zealand. I tried to help him in.
      He looked like he could barely swim let alone paddle in 4-5 foot sets at a huge rip. Pretty sure the lifeguards would have ended up pulling him out.
      With Bondi so popular with travellers – you’ll never get well behaved crowd.

      Hate to say it, its been like that for years and if you want peace and calm, take a short drive….(i do).

  2. Hey Uge,

    Heard on the radio last week that Waverly Council are planning on introducing a permit for anyone who want take pictures on the beaches. The permit will only be for those who take photos of a commercial nature. i.e. those who sell their photos. Have you heard about this?

    1. Waverly Council have always charged for commercial photographers. This is not a new thing. There is a advertising shoot down at Bondi today, studio lights, crew etc. They have a permit. You do not need a permit to take a photo of the sunrise, or a breaking wave. God help us if it ever gets to that seeing how popular photography is.

  3. Ha, ha complaining about the crowds at Bondi is funny. Off course it’s crowded and full of learners, IT’S BONDI! Surfing policemen in the line-up would not even make a difference.

    I moved north 6 weeks ago and have been surfing fun banks with just a handful of people every time i paddle out. Sure, i have to commute 1 hour and 15 minutes to work, but it’s a small price to pay.

    Bondi is best enjoyed from my laptop 🙂 Tnx Uge

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