Johannes Leak wishful thinking


I think you all know what I am going to write about today seeing most of you have been out there. All 40,000 of you.

The surf is good full stop. We’ve got some decent waves breaking on our holy grail of banks. It’s around 3-4 foot, consistent and fun but the crowds are enormous. My recommendation would be to drive to a beach that is south facing and surf away from the crowds.

Cott Main Beach Pool

WA gets some pretty big sharks over there – big teethy ones. No wonder they’re keen on building a beach side pool at Cott Main (close to where a fatal shark attack happened in 2000). They are looking for support on this project…we have a huge readership in good ole’ Perth so log onto this website and register your interest.


:: u g e

Andrew Harris, Back wash face plant

This guy is pretty excited to get out there

Cumulus lefts

There's that left again...

Last night's sunset clouds were quite sumpin'

Grab rail lip carve

17 thoughts on “Gridlock

  1. Why do surfers run through the streets to get to the beach?
    Is it fear of missing that perfect wave? Cold feet on the tarmac in the morning (or hot feet on a summer’s arvo)? Pre-surf warm up?
    Always running…

  2. In my experience people that have asked me “why do surfers run to the beach?” just don’t get it and maybe they never will. Sad ain’t it !

  3. running is to warm up. its the only chance you get to warm your legs up. if its second surf for the day and you are running you either have ADD or the surf is going off its frankfurt. uge did u get any shots of surfing yesturday evening?

  4. oh yeah and how good is the crowd. when you get up after calling it you have to wait 5 seconds for all the shoulder hopping gronks to get off the wave you waited 20 minutes for. lucky they are running through so it isnt game over.

  5. Can’t support the pool at Cott – its only 33m long?! Have let them know that its a great concept but must be 50m – everyone else should do the same.

  6. I’m with you AC, paddled out this morning looked along the line and decided I prefer my head and board in once piece and paddled back in. It was a total free for all shocking.

  7. Hey hannes remember the phone call about your all time deepest barrel ever. Looks like some how you have been photo shopped onto the shoulder. Gotta hate that trick photography!!!

  8. Servus (G´day) from Munich !
    Was running, but only to get the Train to work 🙁
    Missing the good old days down @ Bondi!

    By the way:
    Some one interest to swop Flats from 02.01.11 to 22.01.12
    We offer a nice 2 Bdr. + BBQ in downtown Munich and looking for one down @ Bondi !

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