Low tide sandbar


Hi. I like yesterday more. Yesterday was an amazing beach day. Wasn’t meant to be. Forecast was for rain, but it cooked up and the skies stayed clear until the late south change hit whilst we were all sleeping.

Today is a grey, rainy junkyard. No one surfing, no one on the beach. A good day to knuckle down and crank the work out. South swell is hitting tomorrow, big too…but flanked with an onshore wind. Thursday it will kick back to offshore mode. Keep an eye on it.

Have a great week, uge

Sunday sunshine

Surf Club fire ball

SLSC pink highlights


South change lurking

Where's my towel gone?

2 thoughts on “Yesterday

  1. UGE my fave for today is the SLSC highlights – the sky has some gorgeous colours in there. Did you manage to get any good shots from Bowlarama skate competition on Saturday?

  2. Thanks Uge
    Some of these morning colours are amazing.
    I’m a hardened night person but you are actually inspiring me to change my nocturnal ways ..
    and drag my ass down to the beach in the am.

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