Wednesday, June 15, 2005

We’re here! Indonesia that is…if you’re

not up with the program Aquabumps reports are being broadcasted

off the luxury vessel Indies Trader III for a couple of weeks. 8

surfers, 6 staff and 94 feet of pure joy. It’s a floating


Geez…be a miracle if this report gets through

to you all (via satellite connection)… we’re currently

miles from any form of decent technology in jungle lined bays of

a remote Indonesian archipelago – no phones, no real evidence

of infrastructure…just jungle, waves and toasty warm water.

(Hard to believe 240 million people live up here)

After 3 flights and a 14 hour overnight boat ride

through a 55 knot storm, we’ve come across a few waves. Don’t know

what Bondi’s up to but we’ve had a 5 hour session at a world class

left (not naming breaks), head high on sets with nuisance howling

off/cross shore winds. Late afternoon saw a glass off producing

some tight pockets well worthy of a whack. No tubular action yet.

Unreal sunset last night over a palm riddled island the size of

your backyard…uninhabited…something straight out of the movie

‘Blue Lagoon’… you know where to find me if I don’t come back.

Word on the street is the swell is coming up overnight…so

expect some beefy tubing chunks…(insert beg)

Blood count – 4 injured today on exposed sharp

inside section – nothing serious…I lost some bark on

my first wave – got greedy. Luck there is a heart surgeon

on board to patch us all up.

Gotta go, queasy typing on a rocking boat whilst heading

to our overnight anchorage. Adios, ::Ugios

PS – oh yeah, thought you all might like

to know that TSUBI are having a garage sale on

the 25 + 26th June, 10am til 4pm, 33 Collins Street

Alexandria (between Bourke and O’Riordan. Good stuff, crap

stuff. All cheap, cash only.

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