Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Your toughest decision today should be what colour
Aquabumps tee to buy
– not to surf or not to surf. Waves are pretty much non-existent
this morning with shore slappers (and I’m not talking about Sammy
and Mannie standing on the waters edge). Every 10 minutes a waist
high set rocks in breaking right on the shore…Apparently with
an afternoon south change we might see an increase in swell height,
but really…you’re dreaming if you think you’re going to score
today. Its going to be a deluxo 27 degrees and mainly sunny today
(chance of thunderstorm later tonight with the south change)…so
if you’re already on holidays I’d seriously hit the beach – everyone
else is. Surf for the rest of the week…fughediaboit – it’s micro.
We’re in a flat spell and we’re all getting a bit cranky.

As mentioned yesterday, 20 year old Evelyn Miles
is the new Miss Bondi…click the big fat button below to view pics
from the finals…(you’ll all probably bring down my server
again frothas).

Miss Bondi 2005

Later: Uge (ps…weird
spelling is intentional)

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