South Manly, 12pm, layer upon layer.

Birds Eye

How good was yesterday? Nice huh? Today – not so good. The southerly winds have returned today so the beaches are an onshore mess. The waves dropped out and you will only find 1 footers.

The good news is that this weekend is a beach weekend. Saturday will boast a summery 27 and Sunday 30! Good times people.

Today’s images were shot yesterday, flying high above Sydney. I love the above angle and have been addicted to it for years.


:: uge

The Green Iguana, Bondi

Luke Mussett and that recognizable whip

Fairy Bower Pool, out of the wind

Hungry Pack. Yesterday, 12pm, Bondi

Learners, Bondi


Not a bad spot to live, Manly

Mid tide shallows, Bondi

Manly Wharf boats

Shred, Bondi

North Bondi

4 thoughts on “Birds Eye

  1. Hi,

    Beautiful pictures, I like a lot theses of today ! Congratulation for your job 🙂

    Have a good continuation
    See you soon

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