Thursday, 7 February 2008

After peering out the window at 6am I knew something was cooking (by then the phone had already rung 4 times with frothin’ man grommets jibbering about how good it was)…no wind…rain had stopped overnight giving way to glorious sunshine – did the east swell hang in there?

Bondi looked pretty darn sweet at 6:30am. Backlit rights pumping all the way into the beach…3 – 4 foot. Small crowd. Clean. Sometimes closing out…but the bra was well exposed and breaking 4-5 foot and sometimes bigger. Large crowd enjoying the salubrious conditions…wag work if you haven’t done already…Sydney is smoking. BUT NOT FOR LONG…a cooling violent south change is due to hit any minute now (its currently 11:30am – probably 3 or 4pm)…that means 20-30 knots of southerly blow which will break this glassy wet dream. Swell directions switches to south tomorrow…enjoy.

Surfing Duck Image and Link

The Duck
I get a lot of emails running this site. Videos of their local break smokin’, pictures of their recent vacations to Dubai, photos of my mates wives in the nooood (!@#$), remote controlled surfers, dogs that surf….and now…a surfing duck. Apparently this footage came from NSW South Coast a few weeks back. View footage

Later: uge

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