Rideable, 3ft sets, random.

winter bump

If you sneak out amongst the rain you’d find some waves down at Bondi. Yep, waves. Remember those things. The swell came up last night and is hitting the 3 foot range. Few crew out finally enjoying some waves even though its bumpy and random.

Winds are currently 8-13 knots of SE which will swing southerly and blow 20-30 knots (real strong). That should stir up some wind waves for tomorrow…Bondi just doesn’t seem to be holding it together and north side looks like a better option.

Towards the end of the week (Thurs/Friday) we should see some chunkier swell – from the south…so maybe best wait for that.

High tide 9:30am Low tide 4:15pm, wintery 22 degrees today on land with rain rain and rain. Keep your mouth closed, 1st rain in a while and that storm water runoff would be toxic.


Hey Romeos, Valentines is this weekend…best come into the Aquabumps Gallery and pick sumpin’ up for the big date on Saturday. Little framed pic would do just the trick. 151 Curlewis Street, Bondi open every day except Monday. 10am to 7pm weekdays…telephone 9130 7788

kinda a wave...at least its surfable

Big winter swells - bring it on.

Golden peaks

2 thoughts on “winter bump

  1. That’s my son! The photo is Bondi April 2006 Big Winter Swells – bring it on..Image10433…Thanks for the great shot of Gavin. I know he is missing Bondi big time as he now lives in Belgium and there are no waves to speak of and lots of cold weather and snow,but no doubt he will be back someday…….maybe to take his kids (my grandchildren)surfing where “dad” surfed the big ones…
    Heather Hamblin

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