Boheme and a rain cloud

B I – P O L A R

You could not get more different days…that’s today and yesterday. Sydney’s weather moods are so Bi-Polar. Yesterday was a sweltering hottie – bit like sitting in the oven. Now this morning it’s raining, cool, onshore and the beach is deserted. Are we in the same country?

Swell is up, chest to head high onshore goodness. Quality is questionable with the onshore breezes making a mess.

Movember is approaching and the hairy upper lips will be plentiful. There is going to be a Movember Expression Session during the Single Fin Classic down at Bondi this year on Saturday Movember 2nd. More info just head down here.

The great news is that there will be waves to surf for the next few days!

:: u g e

The beach was deserted this morning, but those Fluoro Friday Friends are always there

Chris Little, post surf swig of JD. Classy.

Close out utilization

Movember's coming up...and so is the Expression Session Nov 2

Charlotte will personally shave a Mo on any fella (or sista) down at Bondi

With gorgeous hair like that I bet they play in a rock band. Alex and Tyler

Onshore mush slaying

2 thoughts on “B I – P O L A R

  1. Thanks for supporting Movember again and also One Wave (aka Flouro Friday crew) to raise awareness about Mental Health Week – you’re aMOzing :{)

  2. Uge, wonderful evocative series of shots. I simply love ‘Onshore mush slaying’ for its mood and churn. Beautiful. Fluoro is home at Bondi… reminds me of the mint trousers my mum bought me in 1984 to go with my pink ‘Crystal Cylinders’ t-shirt and the lemon ‘Lightning Bolt’ jacket that tied nicely around the waist. Broke that one out at family Christmas ’84 to universal disinterest – I should have waited til ’87 – still, hindsight brings everything into perfect light.

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