The peak, Bondi this morning


Looks just like yesterday! Not a cloud in the sky…1-2 footers…clean az…perfect for a swim!

There seems to be only two banks in operation at Bondi. Both are popular with the early risers and long boarders.

Surfcraft or not, nice one to swim. Very invigorating.

The shark situation around Byron Bay is sparking media attention and talk amongst the surfers. SMH wrote this piece and how about this footage at Broken Head?

As I am hitting send on this post, it’s raining.

:: uge

Golden moments, Bondi 7.00am

Nice hook

Sun burst, Bondi 7am



Amaury Treguer swims all year round


Amy, back down in the mornings

Crystal cylinders

4 thoughts on “doppelgänger

  1. Wow Amy your a tuff girl braving that cold August water in Bondi….feeling like such a wimp in my 5/3 ebomb….

  2. Also regarding the Sharks….warmer water this season ….could global warming promote higher baitfish breeding thus the spike in what we see in nth coast this year?the Sharks are easy to blame ,we may need to look at OUR surfing habits with the knowledge of a warming climate and a rapidly expanding usage of the ocean…I’m shit scared like every one else about the issue but to cull in my eyes without a management system in place and a methodology of practice to reduce risks eg helicopter/drone patrols etc…is hypocritical when u compare our stance on quarantine laws flora and fauna..”etc etc…I’m not for regulating everything but maybe….the old council rego of surf craft…or a fee to have a surfing licence for use of our beaches…the revenue raised to create the safety and research needed to address these issues could be offset from this simple tax on surf craft users ….I don’t think $20 a year multiplied by our community would be a big ask if that got the ball rolling to assist the issue… Hey Uge promote a fundraiser to assist and I will gladly donate some coin.

  3. I feel I must make a comment on the proposed shark culling….we are in their world, not the other way round.

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