Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Looks all nice and summery down the beach at
5:30am this morning. No waves…but about 500 people exercising
under clear skies and two very patient surfers in the south optimistically
scanning the horizon for a bump of some sort. I didn’t see much
break over dem knee caps…

A group of all-night boozers were finishing up sunrise
drinks before stumbling across to Campbell parade for a Macca’s
breakky. Couldn’t see Ness getting amongst it. Strange. Her cask
of goon must have run out early. (4 litres just ain’t enough).

This sunny pretty picture will change mid morning
when a strong south change will hit Sydney bringing showers but
also some much needed swell for tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursday
this week will be 4-5 foot at south facing beaches…which is exciting.
Wed – SW winds early, SE winds in the arvo.

You guys are a funny lot…Read
responses from last week…

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