Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Peering through the bedroom blinds at 6am to a nice surprise…south swell…solid…offshore…barely anyone out. Splash a bit of water on the face to make sure I ain’t sleep walking. Nope. It’s still looks pretty good. Last night’s cool south change came through with the goods and is producing waves at Bondi over head high. It’s going to get bigger as the day progresses – 5-6 foot tomorrow – yeeeeooowww.

One problem @ Bondi…the sands on the move and filling up the channels straightening the banks out – close out central. So best chuck some boards in the back of the ute, crank up the stezza and hit the highway to an exposed south facing beach with a perfect bank before the south east onshore blows this afternoon. Winds aren’t favourable tomorrow (SE/E) but solid swell will be getting into protected corners (e.g Manly). High tide 15:48, Low tide 10am. Max 27 on land.

Big board sale going down at the DING DOCTOR – 187 Bronte road Waverley (0405 059 134)…boards from local shaper/shredder Andrew Harris. Wot – can get brand’spanka stick for $399? No way – yes way honks. Later, uge

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