Look into the light and repeat after me...


Nice calm morning down at Bondi with next to no swell. it’s very humid and sticky, best for a swim. Tomorrow some East swell should push in, I hope so, as the Boost Air Sho kicks off with the juniors tomorrow. Bondi, facing south will neglect most of the swell energy, but hey, let’s pray some creeps in for tomorrow and the main event on Sunday (yep, that’s why there’s a huge scaffold complex on the beach at the moment).

The Quiky Pro finals ran yesterday and you’ve probably heard Kelly Slater has won yet again. Yes, again. The 10 time world champion defeated a frustrated Taj Burrow in the final in diabolical conditions, probably the worst waves I saw up there. The north devil wind rolled in, a rip formed and Snapper showed all its flaws. Such a shame after watching perfect 3 footers all week. Get Taj on an open face and his belts are unbelievable. Slater, the ultimate competitor showed his years of competitive experience…and nailed the low scoring final.

Bye :: uge

Scattered skies roll in

Wave, what wave?

Brett Simpson, crowd gouge

Sand bar crwods

Adriano, pick - pocket

Kelly Slater, 3rd time he's won Snapper

3 thoughts on “Sticky

  1. Don’t mean to be a stickler, but I think that third shot is Ace Buchan. I could have sworn Brett Simpson was a natural footer.

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