Harries carving wave of the day

Antarctic Blitz

And you thought yesterday was cold, welcome to today. The wind is howling 20 knots which can make it feel a lot colder than what the weather man says. Much warmer in the water than out…19 in, 7 out.

At Bondi there was a ‘wave’. It was 1-2 foot, peeling left for 15 metres. A long boarders heaven. Don’t worry, swell coming Friday in time for your long weekend.

Have a good day :: uge

PS – my brother Christian took some of these photos (he likes blurry shots)

Spot's trainging group

Harries, throwing some sparks

A grom, frothing.

Basking in the sun

Kieran, surfs every morning

2 thoughts on “Antarctic Blitz

  1. Sweet! Always makes my day to get a shot on aquabumps.

    That grom was awesome, saw him busting 180 airs off of the smallest of waves. Love seeing the future in the water.

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