Soft spray


Today is an in between day. A day that is not a patch on yesterday. The wind was howling early SE and making a mess of exposed beaches. The swell is not big enough to get into protected corners…so it is a good day to do something else. Maybe something indoors as it looks like it’s going to rain a fair bit. Hope you surfed/swam/baked yesterday.

Dave wants to live \ A year ago David Murrell, Bondi guy and fashion photographer was diagnosed with a deadly brain tumor. He wasn’t given long to live. He’s had it removed after surgery in Norway and is now in recovery and fighting hard to keep healthy. Needless to say, flying to Norway for monthly treatments was super expensive so the local community has got behind him and is holding a fundraiser this Friday night, 23rd March at the Bondi Bathers Surf Life Saving Club. All the details are here and you can see him on Channel 10 news here.

Deeper Shade of Blue \ Last night I saw the aussie premiere of Jack McCoy’s new surf film – A Deeper Shade of Blue. It’s great, go see it. It’s only on the big screens in Oz for 4 days kicking off today. Webby

Leisel \ Leisel Jones is one of Australia’s greatest ever Olympians having competed in 4 Olympics, 12 world records, 8 medals (3 gold). Next Tuesday 27th March (7am) down at Bondi you can have the opportunity to race against Leisel.You’ll have a handicap…and you can win air tickets and other goodies.Link

Lone walker


Bondi 7:00am, rough water

Onshore walker

Icebergs, pool cleaning day

5 thoughts on “Downgrade

  1. Normally the silent type but have to express my appreciation of ‘Lone Walker’. You picked up so much in a shot of bugger all. You managed to pick up the tracks that person made plus the other tracks (‘No kidding Daryl!’). And they all seem to lead my eye to that person (‘No kidding again Daryl – gee you’re good!’)…in that place…somewhere in the distance. To me it has motion although it is so obviously a moment in time.
    Also, questions everywhere…Are they turning, lifting their head? What have they seen/heard to make them do this? &c. What happened to the other people who made the other tracks? Where is everyone? Where did their tracks lead them (probably getting a little silly now). Anyway, for me there’s a lot in the nothing.
    I’m not arty farty, just an old surfer to whom surfing is (still,) usually a solitary experience. Maybe that’s why I love that shot.
    For what it’s worth, congratulations. Always really enjoy your work but you really got me with that one. Respectfully, Daryl.

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