Fantasy Land
I was thinking this morning, if you were an overseas subscriber to Aquabumps (as many do…thank you) and had never been out here to this great land you’d be looking at this week’s Bumps shots thinking…”What the hell is going on down there…is that winter?” Yes Sir, this is winter…how good is it? 24 degrees […]

Today is just a taste of what spring is like. It’s a tease… It’s 23 degrees and it’s also very sunny. It will revert back to winter this weekend though. And hopefully bring some much needed swell ‘cause its tiny out there. I shot Bronte for something different. This Saturday, August 2 Power Living Yoga […]

Sky Fire
I worked out that I’ve seen over 3,000 sunrises in my Aquabumps morning ritual career (15 years). Today’s sunrise was really something special…some of the brightest colours I’ve seen down there. I missed this morning’s twin, last night’s mind blowing sunset (which everyone is talking about)…so this morning made up for it. I was down […]

Mini Bumps
The waves are tiny and clean. Nice day though, looks like the mercury will hit 20 degrees. Until this Saturday the surf is going to be really small… Chris Bryan is a Cronulla cinematographer who operates a fancy piece of camera called The Phantom. Phantoms are those cameras that do super slow motion clips. They’re […]

Today kicked off with some pretty serious colour sprayed across the sky. It was really something. All kinds of imaging devices were clicking away @ sunrise. Did you get the shot? It’s now 11am and it’s raining. Shows over. Hope you got out there for the early. Little fun wave on offer at Bondi best […]

Metro Waves
Lucky aren’t we? I mean we live in a sorta big city and can surf nearly every day. Lately the waves have been more than just surfable. Today’s its small, waist to chest high, clean and fun. Not many places in the world you can surf twice a day and hold down a corporate job. […]

We have waves! Good ones… I’m giving up on forecasting this week as reality is exceeding my predictions, daily. It is 3 foot and from the south east. Super clean with chilly offshores. Bondi and Maroubra both had good waves. The joys of winter. ::uge P.S. I lost one of my favourite flippers today at […]

Hola. Since we last spoke there’s been a few lil’ surprises down the beach. Yesterday afternoon the swell kicked and 4 footers were on offer at Bondi. So good, especially without the crowd. This morning was only forecasted for small 1-2 footers but it’s breaking head high. The sun has come back and it’s another […]

I certainly hope you got a few waves over the weekend with the big storm swell in town. It wasn’t really appealing around our neck of the woods, but I hear north side was the place to be, out of the wind and all… Today the swell is dropping, fast. It’s currently waist to head […]

Looks at these photos and tell me if you think you will be surfing this arvo? It’s half a foot now, but boy, she’s about to erupt. They say by lunchtime you will see it pulse and by nightfall we should have 8 foot. Sometimes swells don’t run on schedule…hope this one does. Tomorrow will […]

Hot Doggin’
The sun is back and the surf is dribbling. What a nice morning. Looks all calm and orderly right now doesn’t it…well, in 28 hours the ocean is going to roar and spit out 8-10 footers. Yes hellmen, huge swell kicking really hard tomorrow afternoon. Where you going to be? It’s ski season and some […]

I thought a rainy-1-foot-day is the perfect opportunity to go through my shots from the past 4 weeks. As you know, I’ve spent a good chunk of the past month travelling and have seen some incredible things…from the mega-city Manhattan to the remote islands of Mentawai…and then the amazing nuggets of The Cape last week. […]

A very wintery morning. The beach was pretty much empty. A bit of precipitation overnight…2-3 foot fat waves…grey skies…definitely a great day to do some work. Even though the forecast has been downgraded for the weekend, it’s still going to be quite solid (4-6 foot on Saturday) The showers will clear tomorrow and Thursday looks […]

Brass Monkey
It was one of those frosty mornings – 6 degrees. The beach was pretty much empty and there are waves. Bondi was a little disorganised so I headed down to Maroubra. It’s 2- 4 foot, nothing amazing but well worth a paddle. Big south swell hitting this Sunday…a whopper! ::uge

The beastie swell has dropped a couple of gears and Bondi is now surfable at 3 foot. It’s wasn’t very good though (I could be just saying that in light of yesterday’s glory). In fact I didn’t see many decent waves being ridden this morning despite perfect offshores and solid south east swell. Definitely a […]

I’ve been travelling a lot lately. People I meet always ask me “What are the waves like in Sydney…?” “Yeah, not bad…” I respond. Definitely not bad today! After 4 hours of swimming, shooting and drooling…I can officially say Sydney is pumping today. Some of the best waves I’ve seen in ages rolled through. Forecast […]

Winter Sun
What a crisp, clean, cold morning down here in Bondi. Even though the waves were waist to shoulder high and lacking punch, it was a good one to be floating around. Tomorrow the swell will kick right up into the 4-6 foot range. Now that’s exciting. Thanks to a couple of recent articles in the […]

It was only 6 degrees before the sun rose…nippy huh? The water is perfectly fine, just that dash across the sand can be a lil’ fresh. There are waves! Good ones. At sunrise I saw some luscious right hand tubes on a shallow south bank. Looks like the rip is on turbo and creating some […]

G’day. I back in the hood. I was away for 2 solid weeks in the mega cities…that’s the longest stint I’ve been separated from my muses…being waves and surfing. Can you imagine how good Bondi looked this morning to me with fresh (urban) eyes? 3 foot, clean, offshore and only 3 or 4 guys out? […]

SoHo, or as it used to be known, South of Houston Street is a neighbourhood in New York City that is well known for its cast iron architecture, fashion, art and cobble stone streets. It’s like going back in time as most buildings are well over 100 years old and left unchanged. I rate SoHo. […]

The Hamptons is what Bryon Bay is to Sydney. It’s the beach where you go and chill. It’s where you can surf and get space…Manhattan is awesome but I reckon you’d need a break from the pace and concrete after a while. After talking to Hampton locals they have great stories and photos of double […]