A brand new day…

We have a new American president AND a new swell in town. I know which one I prefer. Who’d thought?

wow? WOW!

Amazingly the sun still rose today, the world hasn’t ended and we have decent waves to surf. Bondi was super fun with head high sets and running lefts. It did seem very, very quiet down the beach. Is everyone glued to their TV screens watching the Trump-a-rama?

Business as usual…

As you were…

:: uge



Embrace the new day. Change is here


This guy is making sure the sun is coming up


Frenchie on a juicy left


Part-time fighter, full-time Bra Boy, and all-time big wave hellman, Richie Vaculik


Johnny Gannon


Even a couple of rights to be had


New style bottom turns


5 thoughts on “A brand new day…

  1. As an American, I want you to know Hillary and her husband have been lying and cheating their way through their public service careers- and becoming wealthy in the process. The world is better off without the globalist policies of Obama and Hillary, and they are being rejected all over the civilized world. You may gain a few of our celebrities who have promised to move to Australia if Trump won. We don’t want them here!

    1. Amy – Your logic is flawed in so many ways, I’m too tired to point them all out because the list is so long. I will point you instead to a few truly horrible things that Trump has orchestrated and he hasn’t even started the presidency yet: he’s the first president-elect to defend himself in federal court for a civil trial accused of fraud in his Trump University, whether he swindled a lot of money from people is not on trial, he did, it was whether a jury will find him fraudulent in doing so, the judge presiding is the same judge that suffered racist attacks during Trump’s campaign, Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women – is it now permissible for a President to talk about women as nothing but sex objects? and to just round this list out (again, there’s so much more but I’m SO tired of the vitriol), he mocked a disable man on stage on TV. This isn’t a democrat VS republican thing for me, he’s just vile. Uge, sorry about the politics, I’ll never do it again on your blog, it’s just so hard living over here right now. Peace, and peace to you Amy I hope you get the America you’re hoping for, I really do.

  2. Just a quick heads up….careful of the car parks @ the bra,there has been a a lot of surfers cars being broken into of late ….don’t hide that key….take it or stash well ……and apparently the CCTV is awaiting council amalgamation……

  3. Was wondering if anyone knows of a surf comp I could enter in Sydney for over 40’s? Not after a world title of course but something I’ve always wanted to do. Any help sincerely appreciated 🙂

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