Just when you think there are no waves this rolls in...


After a fruitful weekend of waves in Sydney (in fact most of Australia had something decent to offer), we’ve defaulted back to 1-2 foot, overcast Bondi this morning with a recent south change rolling in. The swell origin is still south (so Bondi will be drawing the most out of this micro swell) but the winds will kick in onshore SE 10-15 knots. Today amongst many good days of surfing looks like the poor cousin so give it a miss…

There will be a new NE swell on Wed – perhaps wait until then.

A lot of people ask me about the gear used to shoot these images – well, I’ve got some new goodies in the bag…a brand spankin’ new, top of the line, just released, Canon EOS Mark 4 is capturing most of the surfing/fast moving images whilst my trusty Canon EOS 5D Mk2 is used for most of the sunrise, cloudy, arty stuff. The mark 4 rocks and at shutter bursts of 10 frames per second I feel more like Tony Montana spraying an Uzi in the final scenes of Scarface than a photographer.

Enough Monday ramble…good bye: Yooj

South change has rolled in

The water is still ridiculously warm

I like the gold morning light here.

goldie 1 footers

4 thoughts on “D E F A U L T

  1. Uge, that is a pretty colorful expression”…I feel more like Tony Montana spraying an Uzi in the final scenes of Scarface than a photographer.” I like it.
    And “South change has rolled in” would be my favorite today, it is a nice winter type shot.

  2. Uge, enjoy the update on equipment but could you also elaborate on what lenses you are using to capture the action and sunrise shots? cheers

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