You're our friend Dozer, right?


This little dozer above COULD be our dream maker…he has the power to position sand in places nature can’t. He COULD make a bank, a super bank…from ‘The Boot’ to ‘The Tower’…piping rights…wally sections…he COULD do it all. Hell, he COULD even make a A-Frame peak in the middle so the wolf pack would have double the supply. He COULD, but I betcha he’s going to straighten the beach out so we have close outs for months and months. Anyone know how to drive a dozer? Take control.

You’ve probably figured by my morning obsession with this beautiful bulldozer that there isn’t much else to talk about in the surf. It’s small, onshore, mushy, dribbly and far from good. That will change as a swell is heading out way…a fun one. Stand by.

: : uge

Sooz Macintosh waking up

Big man, little wave, little name

15 mins of warm morning light. Soak it up

Shadow play


Father and son


Big red

One thought on “D O Z E R

  1. Mr Dozer might be back – the southerlies have blown the sand back up today (Sunday 17th) or maybe Mr Dozer will lose his job with wild weather events becoming more common. Maybe the parks will turn back into sandhills…

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